I have done another squad of perry miniatures plastic Africakorp, the more I paint of these the more and more I like them. The photo isn't the best but hopefully you get the idea.
Once I have finished the full box its on with the Desert Rats. They look just as nice, so hopefully once painted up they look as good as these cracking little fellas.Sunday, 26 July 2015
Saturday, 18 July 2015
The 39th New York Volunteers "Garibaldi Guard"
Two posts in one day, I won't mention its like buses! So they have taken a fair while to complete, every figure a conversion. Thats a first even for me, I like converting but I have never done a full 24 figures before. Once again all Dixon minis! Yes I am a fan BIG TIME!! I don't think you can get better but that's just my humble opinion.
Only three figures are the original Dixon casting, but even they have had some work done on them, simple rifle swap on one so he is equipped with a bayonet and the legs bent and green stuffed into a running pose. The bulk of the work was cutting down the frock coat into sack jacket length, I picked frockcoats because they have the stand up collar required. Then 21 head swaps and stripping the trousers on some for the black gaiters, I figured a mix of some with and some without would add a good mix.
I have enjoyed myself and hopefully my attempts at sculpting have worked enough to get away with it! I don't think Trev Dixon has any worries on that score though!! I have a few things on the go but I'm positive I will soon be adding more bits to my ACW collection.

So thanks for looking cheers Russ
Almost Famous
Sorry its being a while since I last posted due to my wife being unwell, work and having to many fires and not enough irons I have struggled slightly! Hopefully normality will be restored soon. So a few months back I was asked if I would send some pictures of my ACW collection to the ACW GAMER EZINE, which I did and I must admit I had completely forgotten about them (my memory isn't all that good at the best of times) until I saw the cover of the latest issue!
Now I must admit it caught me off guard and I'm pretty sure my jaw almost hit the floor! WOW my stuff had made it to the front cover. To say I'm proud and chuffed to bits is an understatement! I am well happy! Now I'm old fashioned and I don't have a PayPal account or even a credit card so I can't subscribe to this fantastic EZINE. So I can't tell you if its the only picture that made it in or if there are others. It doesn't really matter I don't think the smile on my face could psychically get any bigger. So thanks for reading and I should be posting really soon I just have some bases to flock and my next ACW regiment is ready to roll.

Cheers Russ