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Saturday, 8 July 2017

More 40k

I have had a good week painting wise and managed to add 5 new recruits to my growing Ultramarines collection. I pick bits and pieces to paint more often than not! So here they are
 First up one of my Terminators, I'm pleased with the pose and the overall look of him! 
 next up my second Terminator 
 I've only got a couple more to finish and my terminator's are complete. 

Next up the last of my Devastator's, that's all five complete! 
 I'm pretty sure I will be adding more and the fact that you get the kneeling legs in this box is a real plus. I've not used them yet but once I'm happy with the pose I will crack on. 
 I love the poses and the weaponry and this box gives you some cracking choices.  

So on to my final additions! Sterguard Veterans, the detail on these is fantastic! I love the shoulder pads on these guys 
 Painting white is not my favourite colour but I seem to have almost got it right! I can't remember the base colour I used but it seems to look right once it's highlighted with white. 
 On to my last addition, the weapon seems inadequate compared to the others but maybe I'm being too judgemental. 
 the detail on the Sterguard Veterans is spot on, even the view from the back looks good! 
 I now need to add some transport to my growing collection, the Rhino is taking shape so at least some of the boys will get a ride pretty soon! No more foot slogging to the battlefield! 

So that's my latest additions, thanks for looking feel to comment and catch you all soon
Cheers for 


  1. Oh, yes. I'm a big fan of these armour color. Your marines looks great. I'm slowly start with nurle cultists:)

    1. Thanks Michal, I really wasn't keen on the darker blue for Ultramarines but I think the paler one works real well.

  2. Thanks Rodger. I wasn't going to get this involved in space marines but I'm getting a real kick out of painting these guys.

  3. Love them, great work my friend :)

    1. Thank you for the kind words and also for visiting my humble blog 😀

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    1. Thank you I'm kind chuffed about how these guys turned out

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