Wednesday, 25 October 2017

The 5th US coloured cavalry

I have being busy adding some more troops to my slightly neglected Union forces. Once again there are some conversions besides the obvious head swaps! They are Dixon miniatures and why not they are such nice figures. So on to the minis, standard cavalry figures with a head swap, it went pretty well and no major glaring gaps missed so I reckon it's a win
 These guys risked it all and the 5th paid for it pretty severely, as did most of the coloured troops who signed up for the blue suite. 
 Even though they are Union troops I still like to give a bit of a varied look to them. IE some jackets without the yellow trim and various coloured blanket rolls. 
Im guessing most civil war buffs have seen glory, the 54th will be added to my collection but it only seemed fair after adding the 26th coloured infantry a while back that I added some cavalry. 
 I have tried again to improve my lighting set up, it's getting there but there is still room for improvement.
 The bugler's arm is a plastic addition and the greenstuff sergeant's stripes but that's about it on these guys. Once I had done the heads I was keen to get painting and get these guys finished.

So thanks for looking, feel free to comment and catch you all again soon 
Cheers for now Russ

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Games Workshop Pink Horrors

I have based and finished up my pink horrors, pink is not a colour I would normally choose to do! But I decided to give it ago.
 I wouldn't quite say they have given me nightmares but they truely are weird looking little fellas! the green for the tongues took some getting used to but now they are finished and based they don't look to out of place.
 the flames shooting from the hand and arms on the guy in the front rank just didn't look right the usual yellow/orange colours. So I opted out and washed it over with a mechanical paint! Which for the life of me i can't remember it's name.
 The guys with the beaks are definitely a nice took and add that bit more colour to them.
 The command group, the standard, leader and the musician, I went for a bronze colour just to make the metal work stand out that little bit more and not just blend into all the good going these little guys are wearing. 
 The jewels/Jem's are painted in sotek green and hopefully they stand out well enough.

 So thanks for looking 
Cheers for 

Sunday, 1 October 2017

5th Texas Infantry

Two posts in one week, I must be on a roll. OK first one was 40k and now I'm back to my real passion ACW! The 5th Texas Infantry, and once again mostly Dixon miniatures
 there are a couple of conversions thrown but hopefully they blend in well enough. I have called them Frankenstein creations but they are made from Perry plastic ACW infantry bodies, warlord games arms and redoubt muskets and of course Dixon heads so they blend together nicely 
 The Dixon conversions are minor changes compared to them but nevertheless they are in there! 
 Anyone who knows me it's all about the figures, I love converting figures even small things like swapping heads can sometimes create that one figure that stands out. Below is a small piece of work that adds that bit more variety to ordinary rank and file. 
 the middle figure is the original and the figure eitherside as had the greenstuff treatment. I'm not a great sculptor but once painted it blends in perfectly. So back to the rest of the guys 
 Both Frankenstein creations are in the above picture, front row left and rear rank third from the right. I plan on adding more into my collection as time permits. 
 I'm putting more effort into the bases and hopefully it's starting to show 
 So as always thanks for looking and I will post again soon
Cheers for now