Sunday, 31 December 2017

Final post for 2017 (Waffen SS)

My final post of 2017!
        It's being a productive few weeks hobby wise despite both Christmas and the New years festivities being in full swing.  My Waffen SS are growing rather rapidly, they are another mix of both plastic and metal models.
 the metal figures are mainly from the sturmbattalion Charlemagne and also from the Waffen SS box set. The plastics are from the new plastic box set, they are all cracking figures. 
 The uniforms are a good mix of camo smocks, and good old pea dot. The choice of heads makes them even better 
 so that brings my post to an end and almost time to usher in a new year! 
 So thanks to everyone who's visited my blog and all the best for the coming new year 
All the best Russ 

Friday, 22 December 2017

Waffen SS support weapons

I am on a roll! I've just completed my next batch of Waffen SS for my slowly growing collection! A couple of mortars and a MG team. So straight in with the pictures
 The figures are all metal but have the separate heads so at least you can vary the look of them! This is something I have always liked, it gives you a little more variety and sometimes changing the head on a figure can really enhance the look of a figure or even break the look. 
 Both mortar teams have the same figures but changing the heads, the type of camo and even slightly different positioning of the figures can make all the difference.
 the MG team changing over a overheated barrel also helps to add more character! 
 it took a while to get the MG in the right position, but once in place it looked spot on.
 I'm hoping to add some armour over the Christmas holidays but only time will tell! 

So thanks for looking 
Cheers for now Russ

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Bolt Action Germans based.

I took the bull by the horns and finally got my Waffen SS based. It's the first time I used the dish type bases. I'm normally pretty OCD about things so mixing the new and old flat bases I thought would be a real issue! But I can honestly say it hasn't bothered me much at all. So on to the figures!
 first ten up, all figures from the plastic Waffen SS box set. The mix of weapons is spot on for me, the variety always appeals to me. The more choice the better as far as I'm concerned from the choice of heads, weapons and poses is perfect for me. Least with plastic multi part figures I try not to have two figures look to similar. 
 Next squad a true mix, plastic SS & panzer grenadiers, metal SS and a mix of sturmbattalion Charlemagne! They all sit nicely scale wise and the fact that the metal figures are the same size makes them even more of a win. I have in the past tried not to mix metal and plastic figures due to the very fact that they are vastly different sizes! 
 just to prove they work here are the four panzer grenadier's painted as SS, they may not be 100% accurate but for my humble collection they are good enough, after reading how much pea dot was used in the later years I wanted to mix in more pea dot uniforms. So going forward there are more panzer grenadier's to be built and painted as Waffen SS.
 finally the figures from the sturmbattalion Charlemagne, I've got two box's of these and they are coming in very useful. The Arm insignia is easily removed with a file or craft knife so it's no real issue! 

So my venture back into BA is well and truely underway, the mortar teams and a MG team are on the paint table waiting for me to grab any opportunity that comes my way!  That about rounds things off, so thank you all for looking feel free to comment and catch you all again soon!

Thanks again
Cheers for n

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Warlord Games Bolt Action Waffen SS

Once again WW2 has drifted into my hobby time, I picked up the warlord games German grenadiers a while back! I built a couple up but that's as far as it went. No paint was split on these little guys, until a few weeks back! Then what was a slow start slowly picked up speed. Before I knew it I had ordered myself the Waffen SS starter army, and a few bits that my wife got me for Christmas. Bless her! Apart from making me wait till Christmas for them I can't complain.
 the first batch of panzer grenadiers where painting up half and half. The three I painted as SS where really a trial run on attempting the camo after a while away from painting WW2.  I wasn't a 100% happy with them but it was a start! 
 side by side two of the figures from the panzer grenadiers box painted as both Waffen SS and a Panzer grenadier. I think they worked out rather well. 
 painting these certainly gave me a good go at several different styles of camo! 
 With my interest spiked I couldn't wait to get my first proper Waffen SS finished, they are not the quickest figures to paint but here they are 

 I wasn't inspired at first with the figures, I can't put my figure on it but maybe it's just me. Then out came the clippers and glue and I started to put them together! My opinion changed almost immediately, sometimes grey plastic just doesn't look inspiring. They started to look like proper Waffen SS in their smocks, at that point it seemed to click and inspiration flowed. They looked even better once the paint started to flow. So on to the mix of the figures, I think they work a treat, I've always been one for variety and this is one way to get that! 

So thanks for looking guys, feel free to comment and catch you all soon again with my next posting

Cheers for now Russ 

Friday, 24 November 2017

Brutes from Hell

I've finished up my latest commission, two hellbrutes! Both nasty looking beasties for sure. I've done a minor conversion on one so his leg is raised as if he is striding forwards. I think it's worked but the proof is in the pudding so on to the pictures
 the usual liberal daubing of blood to complete the look! They are in keeping with the rest of the chaos force, classic red and gold and the accent colour of sotek green. The purple tongues work a treat and show's up the blood better than I expected 
 the combination of machine and flesh really hammers home the Chaos theme, the puddle of green slime leaking from the barrel adds that bit more colour to the grey rocky base. 
 Next up the hammer, once again classic chaos! Well in my mind anyway, the huge hammer just ready to pummel its enemies into the dirt and rock. 
 once again the combination of flesh and machine integrated! The blood pumping around its machinery pipes and veins! 
 the terrible twosome back to back. 
 and finally side by side! 

So thanks for looking guys 
Feel free to comment
  Cheers for now Russ 

Monday, 13 November 2017

The 54th Massachusetts (Glory)

My latest recruits have arrived, I'm sure they will need very little introduction the 54th Massachusetts. One of my favourite ACW films, "Glory" the story of the 54th. Great cast and pretty enjoyable watch! So on to the figures
 the lighting today was terrible and so was my photography, I really don't think I've done these guys justice. Between the lighting and the figures looking way to glossy I think it's a bit of a fail! 
 Robert Gould Shaw or my version leads the gallant 54th on the battlefield, small conversion but nothing special. The sash and the shoulder bars are greenstuff but other then that the figure seemed to fit the part really well. 
 I added small details such as different colour blue trousers and different colour skin tones to add that bit more variety to the unit. 
 The figures are Dixon miniatures and despite a couple of greenstuff additions they are pretty much as they came! I know that's not like me but they hopefully tick the  right boxes.
So thanks for taking the time to read, and catch you all again soon 
   Cheers for now Russ 

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

The 5th US coloured cavalry

I have being busy adding some more troops to my slightly neglected Union forces. Once again there are some conversions besides the obvious head swaps! They are Dixon miniatures and why not they are such nice figures. So on to the minis, standard cavalry figures with a head swap, it went pretty well and no major glaring gaps missed so I reckon it's a win
 These guys risked it all and the 5th paid for it pretty severely, as did most of the coloured troops who signed up for the blue suite. 
 Even though they are Union troops I still like to give a bit of a varied look to them. IE some jackets without the yellow trim and various coloured blanket rolls. 
Im guessing most civil war buffs have seen glory, the 54th will be added to my collection but it only seemed fair after adding the 26th coloured infantry a while back that I added some cavalry. 
 I have tried again to improve my lighting set up, it's getting there but there is still room for improvement.
 The bugler's arm is a plastic addition and the greenstuff sergeant's stripes but that's about it on these guys. Once I had done the heads I was keen to get painting and get these guys finished.

So thanks for looking, feel free to comment and catch you all again soon 
Cheers for now Russ

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Games Workshop Pink Horrors

I have based and finished up my pink horrors, pink is not a colour I would normally choose to do! But I decided to give it ago.
 I wouldn't quite say they have given me nightmares but they truely are weird looking little fellas! the green for the tongues took some getting used to but now they are finished and based they don't look to out of place.
 the flames shooting from the hand and arms on the guy in the front rank just didn't look right the usual yellow/orange colours. So I opted out and washed it over with a mechanical paint! Which for the life of me i can't remember it's name.
 The guys with the beaks are definitely a nice took and add that bit more colour to them.
 The command group, the standard, leader and the musician, I went for a bronze colour just to make the metal work stand out that little bit more and not just blend into all the good going these little guys are wearing. 
 The jewels/Jem's are painted in sotek green and hopefully they stand out well enough.

 So thanks for looking 
Cheers for 

Sunday, 1 October 2017

5th Texas Infantry

Two posts in one week, I must be on a roll. OK first one was 40k and now I'm back to my real passion ACW! The 5th Texas Infantry, and once again mostly Dixon miniatures
 there are a couple of conversions thrown but hopefully they blend in well enough. I have called them Frankenstein creations but they are made from Perry plastic ACW infantry bodies, warlord games arms and redoubt muskets and of course Dixon heads so they blend together nicely 
 The Dixon conversions are minor changes compared to them but nevertheless they are in there! 
 Anyone who knows me it's all about the figures, I love converting figures even small things like swapping heads can sometimes create that one figure that stands out. Below is a small piece of work that adds that bit more variety to ordinary rank and file. 
 the middle figure is the original and the figure eitherside as had the greenstuff treatment. I'm not a great sculptor but once painted it blends in perfectly. So back to the rest of the guys 
 Both Frankenstein creations are in the above picture, front row left and rear rank third from the right. I plan on adding more into my collection as time permits. 
 I'm putting more effort into the bases and hopefully it's starting to show 
 So as always thanks for looking and I will post again soon
Cheers for now

Friday, 29 September 2017

Forgefiend number 2

I finished this Wednesday but this is the first chance I've had to add it to my blog.
 I've continued the colour scheme so it will sit nicely with the other models I have painted for his collection
 the base was big enough to add a bit of detail but not to much. I thought about making the mine field slightly more subtle but I'm not good at subtle! 
 The cork rocky outcrop added that bit of height to give the forgefiend hopefully more of a intimidating look. 
 Hopefully the customer will once again be happy with the end result! 
 So thanks for looking
Feel free to comment and I will be posting again real soon 
Cheers Russ