Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Thinning out my collection

It's a sad day, I have finally made my mind up to thin out my collection. I'm posting pictures here of some the stuff I'm planning to sell on, just because this the last chance I will get to show them off before I pack them ready to go to Vapnartak's table top sale.
          Darkest Africa

 First up! My meagre attempt at Darkest Africa, I think almost everyone has dipped a toe in the period at some time or another. 

 the shield's were scratch built out of plastic card, mainly because I forgot to order some. 

Bolt Action Tanks

 Despite only just finishing up the Cromwell I've decided to part with these, I'm probably going to replace these with Tamiya's 1/48 scale kits. Not gaming means I can get away with the more detailed but more fragile Tamiya's kits.

Black Scorpion Tombstone minis

 These miniatures captured my imagination, but after a friend said what a shame they would never be gamed with! It struck a cord and it troubled me slightly

Finally my High Elves 

 These have being sat on my shelf for way to long now, gathering dust is not a suitable for these highly skilled warrior's. 


Unfortunately I haven't taken photos of all the stuff going off to sale, but I ran out if time and to be honest the longer I looked at some of it! I wanted to keep it! 

I may not sell any of it, but it will make me feel better if I try to make some more space! And if I do make some money maybe a new project will beckon. 

So thank you for looking and wish me luck!
Cheers for now Russ

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Oak leaf tutorial

OK I've dabbled with another step by step/tutorial it's the first one I've done since I started my blog. I would normally do it through photobucket but now I have my blog well it would be wrong to not to post it here. I have only covered painting the actual smock, I will add a link to my photobucket which covers several tutorials which covers painting the entire figures from start to finish. I am no expert and this is purely my take on Oak leaf camo, so on to the tutorial. I usually use Vallejo paints but GW paints are the order of the day with this one.

 Undercoat the figure, this is personal choice but I think white works well for this camo pattern.

 I used miniature paints Umber but adding black to dryad bark will do the job just as well.

 Wash over with nuln oil , this is to shade the recesses in the smock.

 Reinstate dryad bark on the raised areas of the smock.

 Paint irregular patches of Elysian green across the smock.

 Wash Elysian green with nuln oil, this will help to add depth to the creases in the smock.

 Now add random patches of Gorthor brown across the smock

Reinstate Elysian green then highlight by adding white 

 Reinstate Gorthor brown and highlight by adding white 

Step 10 
 Now add small random dots of Elysian green mixed with white. These should help to break up the edges of the Dryad bark areas.

 Now add small random dots of Dryad bark over the larger areas of colour. This will help to build up the Oak Leaf pattern.

 Using a mix of Elysian green and white add smaller dots over the top of the dots of dryad bark. Build the green up over the brown and vice versa.

 Add smaller dots of Gorthor brown over the dryad bark dots painted over the Elysian green.

 Finish up painting the rest of the figure, it's being a while since I last did a step by step so please if I have messed it up I apologise, if something isn't clear then just leave a comment and I will try my best to answer it.
 click on the link scroll down to view another album and feel free to browse. 

Well thanks for looking hope it helps 
  Cheers for now Russ