Saturday, 16 June 2018

Bolt Action new additions

My latest additions to my Bolt Action Germans, I will be honest I don't think these are my best work but at least they are finished to a standard I'm almost happy with. I repainted the eyes repeatedly and the faces also took a couple of attempts on more than one of them. I have posted my tutorial for a simplified and stylized pea dot, so heres another mix of pea dot and camouflage uniforms. 

 I normally avoid painting the trousers and smock in the same camou but I broke my own rules with the MG gunner. He has rolled up sleeves, the arms I borrowed from the panzer grenadiers set. They seem to work, I can only imagine it would of being hot work lugging the MG around. 

 The figures are again a mix of panzergrenadiers and SS plastic sets from warlord games. They may even be parts thrown in from the Blitz krieg German plastic set, I'm a real fan of mixing the parts from different plastic sets. 

 Normally I would add a few stray rocks on the bases but I decided to go for static grass and tufts. The sand mix adds enough texture to start with, so painting and highlighting does a good enough job. 

 I try to add variety to the kit and equipment as much as is possible, and the detail is there to be painted. After looking at the variety of colours kit came issued in, it's a chance to add a bit more interest. 

 The backs of figures deserve to look as good as the fronts, hopefully I've achieved it. 


 So another post added to my slowly growing blog, hopefully more will follow sooner rather than later.

So thanks for looking 
                Cheers for now Russ 

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Pea dot tutorial

I have being asked a couple of times of how i paint pea dot camouflage, it's my own take on pea dot but from some of the comments I'm guessing it works. I would call it stylized for a better word, I'm no master of a brush but hopefully it will help in some small way even if it gives someone the starting point of how to tackle pea dot. I have used a cocktail stick to add the dots but a brush can be used, the paints are mainly Vallejo with Games Workshop washes to shade.

                                                              Step 1
 Undercoat the figure. The choice is yours!

Step 2 

 Paint the trousers and socks with field grey with a tad of black added to deepen the base coat.

Step 3

 Wash over the trousers and socks with GW nuln oil. 

Step 4

 Dry brush the trousers and socks field grey, add a small amount of Iraqi sand to highlight. 

Step 5

 Mix German medium camou brown with a tad of black to base coat jacket. 

Step 6

 Wash GW nuln oil over the jacket. 

Step 7

 Reinstate the raised areas on the jacket with medium camou brown, leave shade in the creases. 

Step 8

Paint random patches of beige brown and military green over the jacket.

Step 9

 Wash over the beige brown with GW agrax earthshade and the military green with GW nuln oil. 

Step 10

 Highlight the beige brown and military green leaving shade in the recesses. 

Step 11

 Add white to military green to highlight.

Step 12

 Mix white to bright camou green and using a cocktail stick overlay the spots on the military green patches.

Step 13

 Using cork brown overlay onto the dark camou brown using a cocktail stick. 

Step 14

 Mix white into military green and once again using a cocktail stick overlay dots onto the beige brown. 

Step 15

 Finish painting the figure with appropriate colours. 

I'm pretty sure there are better tutorials out there and much more accurate ones! 
So thanks for looking, feel free to comment and catch you all soon. 

Cheers for now Russ