Today I bring you something different! Well for me anyway. Northstar have a huge range of games, figures and accessories to choose from. I've looked at the IHMN range a couple of times but never really had the funds to spare! Well this time I had a few pennies to spare so I jumped in and picked up the "Brick Lane Commune" and also the "Scotland Yard Company" boxes. The Scotland Yard Company are still waiting to be painted but the "Brick Lane Commune" are done.

The set contains 11figures and a bag of bottle grenades, the figures had a few mould lines but nothing to spoil the figures. I decided the bases needed something different so I used milliput to sculpt some flag stones into it.
On to the figures and make up of the set!

First up the Poltical commissar with the red bible in hand! A true political agitator. Flanked by two Anarchists with clubs, neither of who I would like to meet down a dark alley!

The commissar doesn't stray to far without a bodyguard or two, this time accompanied by Anarchists with fighting knives. The red and black scarves give away their true intentions! These two would literally cut and run.

The working class hero takes centre stage flanked by Incendiaries with bottle grenades. The fairer sex play their part in the Brick Lane Commune! Not just standing behind their men but along side them on the front line.

Lastly the armed Anarchists, all armed with shotguns, some are more brazen then others and show their faces freely! While others hide their faces for other reasons.
So they are capture the look perfectly, they are exiled Russian, Jewish, and German intellectuals who are willing to fight the class war!
So hopefully I've done these figures justice, are they lovely little figures and paint up a treat, so as always thanks for looking feel free to comment.
Cheers for now Russ