Saturday, 27 October 2018

Next batch of Red Devils

Next batch of Warlord Games Red Devils based and ready to, I've added a few support weapons to give these guys a bit more punch. The bulk of the troops are going to be plastic, although I've still got a few metal models to go. I decided to start on the plastics sooner than I planned but I've yet to get any finished! They will have to wait for another day.

So on to the figures, I'm enjoying my painting more than ever at the moment and hopefully it will long continue. My butterfly mind could at any moment drift off on to a new project but for now it's still the Red Devils

 The addition of a Vickers, 2inch mortar, flamethrower and a bren gun should help keep the enemy at bay. 

 Bren gun team. 

 2inch mortar.

 Vickers Machine gun.

 flamethrower bringing up the rear. 

 plenty of Berets included.

 A few pics of the Vickers crew. 


So there we have it, my slowly growing collection of Red Devils! Hopefully I will post some photos of my next batch soon. 

So thanks for looking 
Cheers for now Russ 

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Warlord Games Red Devils

I'm enjoying my painting more than ever at the moment, so I have turned my attention to much neglected British Bolt Action collection.  I picked up a box of warlord games metal Red Devils a while back! Its must be ages ago because I'm sure I got them from Boyes in Bridlington. I'm guessing it wasn't popular because they seem to have scaled back to mainly Perry miniatures, Plastic soldier company and Games Workshop. Anyway I digress so back to the miniatures.

 Its only a nine man squad, I normally paint them in squads of ten but I messed up somewhere so it's a man short. Although I think they don't look lacking for the cost of one man. 

 I'm not really keen on the bright red colour for the berets so I opted for a darker colour. Although there are only a couple in berets it does add that slight dash of colour. The box does contain more berets so hopefully it will even things out a bit. 

 The box is quite old and didn't have any bases so I've used the pizza dish bases, except for the Piat team which I cut out of plastic card. It's boring and tedious but I just couldn't find a base to fit.

 The Piat didn't have a front rest so I borrowed one from the plastic commandos box, I also borrowed an amou case just to add a bit more detail.  The low wall was added from small fish tank gravel stuck together with super glue. I've used PVA before but takes longer to set and I wanted to be on with these guys. 

 I've played around with the colours slightly just to make them pop A bit more. It's nice to be able to paint camou on British figures seeing that it's mainly khaki, khaki and khaki! 

 Some of the figures had some flash that was awkward to remove but overall not to many issues, I forgot how difficult it is to remove flash on metal figures compared to plastic miniatures. 

So that about rounds up my latest post, the next batch are well on there way so fingers crossed I should be adding more to my collection sooner rather than later 

So thanks for looking feel free to comment and catch you all soon 
Cheers for now Russ 

Friday, 12 October 2018

Bolt Action Soviet Naval Brigade

I'm back to WW2 with Warlord Games Soviet Naval Infantry/brigade. I picked these guys up a while back but my WW2 stuff stalled and I got side tracked. My butterfly mind does drift from project to project so I suppose it was only a matter of time before WW2 drifted back onto the agenda.

Now I love plastic figures but with me wanting to add something different to my collection it had to be metal! Warlord Games do make some cracking figures and to be honest when I opened the box I didn't really feel inspired. To be honest this does happen quite often with me! Not sure why but normally once the paint starts to flow any such feelings fade away.

 I did intend to swap a few heads for heads with helmets but I didn't get around to it! Once I started painting I got carried away. It doesn't mean that in the future I won't revisit and rectify this.

 The set gives a mix of the typical sailor outfits, the heavier coats and lighter shirts and peakless sailor caps. A nice mix as far as I'm concerned, I've always liked the idea of sailors fighting land battles due to what ever reasons. The Soviet navy got used fighting on land and being put in fights that realistically they couldn't win. 

 They are based for city fighting, I think it adds that extra dimension to the basing! It gives me a chance to do something different to the normal grass and tuft basing. 

 The set even includes a figure in a quilted jacket which I think is a nice touch! I'm no expert on WW2 so I've probably made a few mistakes but I'm happy with the overall look of these guys. I used to have a really good site saved that covered Soviet uniforms but I've lost it out of my favourites and despite looking and looking I can't find it! So that's the best excuse I can offer if ive messed up badly. 
 Well that's my take on Soviet Naval Infantry, so thanks for looking feel free to comment and catch you all soon

Thanks again cheers 

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

In Her Majesty's Name

Today I bring you something different! Well for me anyway. Northstar have a huge range of games, figures and accessories to choose from. I've looked at the IHMN range a couple of times but never really had the funds to spare! Well this time I had a few pennies to spare so I jumped in and picked up the "Brick Lane Commune" and also the "Scotland Yard Company" boxes. The Scotland Yard Company are still waiting to be painted but the "Brick Lane Commune" are done.

 The set contains 11figures and a bag of bottle grenades, the figures had a few mould lines but nothing to spoil the figures. I decided the bases needed something different so I used milliput to sculpt some flag stones into it.  

On to the figures and make up of the set! 

 First up the Poltical commissar with the red bible in hand! A true political agitator. Flanked by two Anarchists with clubs, neither of who I would like to meet down a dark alley! 

 The commissar doesn't stray to far without a bodyguard or two, this time accompanied by Anarchists with fighting knives. The red and black  scarves give away their true intentions! These two would literally cut and run. 

 The working class hero takes centre stage flanked by Incendiaries with bottle grenades. The fairer sex play their part in the Brick Lane Commune! Not just standing behind their men but along side them on the front line. 

 Lastly the armed Anarchists, all armed with shotguns, some are more brazen then others and show their faces freely! While others hide their faces for other reasons. 

So they are capture the look perfectly, they are exiled Russian, Jewish, and German intellectuals who are willing to fight the class war!  

So hopefully I've done these figures justice, are they lovely little figures and paint up a treat, so as always thanks for looking feel free to comment. 
Cheers for now Russ