Saturday, 27 July 2019

40k chaos Terminators

I've completed the next few models for my friends 40k chaos army, this time it's a mix of old and new Terminators with what I believe are forgeworld parts. The newer models seem cleaner and less fussy but that's just from a painter's point of view. I do enjoy painting stuff I normally wouldn't paint for myself. So on to the figures

 I added a few more bits and pieces to the bases just to make them pop a little. 
 the five new Terminators out of the ten.

 I slightly converted a couple into more dramatic poses, running forward to join the fight.

On to the five old style Terminators 

 I'm not sure if I got carried away to much with the bases or not, but I sure did enjoy myself.

So as always thanks for looking 
   Cheers for now Russ 

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

The 9th Kentucky

I have managed to complete my latest additions for my steadily growing ACW collection, this time its more Rebs. Just for a change they are Dixon Miniatures! Like every single figure in my ACW collection. I am a creature of habit and slightly OCD about certain hobby matters.

   The 9th Kentucky

 I decided I wanted to portray a earlier unit from the war rather then the usual later years that I collect. I'm no expert and occasionally I do get it wrong hopefully this won't be one of those times. 

 This is one unit which I havn't tampered with by adding conversions or even stripes for NCO's. Normally I cant help myself but these are literally a straight paintjob. 

 The boys charging hopefully to glory! 

 I'm pretty biased I'm afraid, the rebs in my collection outnumber the Yankees and I dont think that will ever change. 

So thanks for looking, feel free to comment
Cheers for now Russ