The figures arrived in excellent condition and with very slight casting lines which are easy to file away.
They do look as good in real life as the photos portray, they have a mix of weapons and carry the mountain of kit you would expect.
The full recon squad
They really do paint up a treat, I'm not the world's greatest photographer but hopefully they are good enough to give you an idea how detailed these figures are.

I do have another team which hopefully will be in ERDL camo but that will depend on how well or how badly my attempt at the camo turns out.
Finally my full 3 squads so far
So the project continues, I have another full squad of Marines to add when time arises and of course the stalled squads of VC! I really cant get to grips with them I'm afraid. So thanks for looking, I'm keen to see what else Empress have to offer as this range grows.
Thanks for looking
Cheers Russ