Thursday, 31 December 2020

Happy NewYear Vietnam

Its been a well weird year, I think we have all had enough of 2020 and the stresses that have come with it. So I decided to end the year the same way I started it, by adding some more of the gorgeous Vietnam figures from Empress Miniatures. I don't think I really need to say anymore then Paul Hicks as captured Vietnam perfectly with these figures. 

Its nice to add few more figures to my collection and hopefully Empress Miniatures will add a few new additions very shortly. So on to the figures 

 the full squad ready to go out and find the enemy. 


My scenery is very lacking for Vietnam so, the house is from Sarissa. A quick and cheerfull paint job brought it up to speed. The roof i hope to revisit at some point and improve the look of it. 

The Pig! 

The pig sets up and gets ready to deal some death! 
 the figures have some nice little details, the toothbrush on the helmet, the bug repellant, and gun grease bottle. Of course the helmets need a little bit of graffiti to finish them off. 

Well thats about it, heres hoping we have a 2021 worth remembering for the right reasons.
All the very best cheers for now Russ 

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

SAGA New Additions

 SAGA Additions 

    The paint table as been invaded by more goodies from Gripping beast! I've tried to keep the spearmen pretty generic, I figured most of them looked pretty much the same as each other when in massed ranks of bristling spear tips and shields. 

                            The latest Additions in all their glory.


The slingers

 the slingers, I robbed the spare slinger arms from the Wargames Atlantic Dark Age Irish box. It gives more variety to the slingers which is something I love about plastic figures. 

The command and 4 Warriors

The bald heads are stolen from the Victrix Viking set! Got to love plastics for the ease of mixing parts, I've even swapped out the lower part of one of the shield arms. 

The command leads the guys to victory or death! 

The shields are all hand painted, and although time consuming very much worth it! They certainly finish up the figures nicely. 

Well that about finishes things up for this time, more figures are in the pipe line and even a couple of bits of 40k for a friends collection. So stay tuned, keep looking and I will posting.

Stay safe, take care 
                    And catch you all soon 
                                   Cheers for now Russ 

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Saxons and Vikings

 I dug these guys out of storage and decided it's time to share them. The clearout and sort out as stalled slightly due to work commitments but I'm trying to get back on track with clearing some space. 

         The Vikings 

Gripping beast certainly has it sorted for building Warbands so heres my Vikings 

 the full force, A warlord, 4 Beserkers, 4 hirdmen, 8 spears and 8 slings 

 my favourite figures the Beserkers! Converted warlord games figures

 A little bit of missile support, 8 slingers

The Saxons

 the full warband, A Warlord, 8 hirdmen, 8 archers and 8 spears.

spears shining and shields readied.

The Shields are hand painted, I do enjoy painting them. It finishes them off nicely and certainly brings the force together. The figures certainly look the part and a joy to build and paint. 

So thanks for looking 
    Cheers for now Russ 

Saturday, 13 June 2020

Bolt Action US infantry

I've finished up the last squad from my box of Warlord Games US infantry, 2 squads for my own collection and a third for a friends collection. I've continued to mix up the uniform colours, I do like a variety in my troops. I'm pretty sure the likes of films such as "Kelly's Heroes" "The Dirty Dozen " "Battle of the Bulge" influenced my progress with these figures. Then again who wouldn't be influenced by the films they watched growing up.

 Plastic figures still in some circles seem to be looked down upon! I dont see it myself but I enjoy building the plastic figures and the choice of parts helps create individual troops. Dont get me wrong, I pretty much buy, paint and collect anything that takes my fancy. Sat building figures in front of the TV is pretty enjoyable! Something I wont do with metal figures due to the mess scraping and filing metal makes.

   The latest squad, who cant look at these guys and see the likes of Kelly's Heroes, and other such classic films.

The full 3 squads 

A few more close ups of the squads

The figures paint up well, and in my opinion they look the part. I'm no expert but I reckon they pass muster. Now i have quite a few Bolt Action figures, but as always space is a issue but it wont stop me painting even more. I think a painter and collector is a worse curse then being a gamer! At least been a gamer is a purpose for having loads of figures. I haven't even got got that excuse! 
Well that brings another post to an end, so thanks for looking. Feel free to comment 
All the best cheers Russ 

Saturday, 6 June 2020

US infantry

I've finished up my latest batch of American troops. The figures are the second generation plastics from Warlord Games, and my second lot of US reinforcements. The newer set of US infantry is a vast improvement on the original set, more human looking and certainly paint up nicely. I've mixed the colours a tad, something I seem to be doing more and more as I progress with my venture into WW2. It all started with the German troops and just continued from there, I've been sorting through my collection and came across a couple of bits of scenery I had completely forgotten about. So I decided to take some more scenic photos today. The lighting is something I struggle with but hopefully the photos are good enough to show the figures off and give a flavour of the figures.

  US troops pushing forwards

I did mix and match the parts from some of the other American figures from Warlord. It's one of the reasons I love plastic figures, it means you can go to town and convert figures to your hearts content. They are so much easier to work with them metal, although I still enjoy converting metal figures but they are more complicated and time consuming. Well rounds up another post, there are still more to come so keep looking and I will keep posting.
 All the best 
   Cheers for now

Friday, 5 June 2020

US Airborne from Warlord Games

Once again I have painted up a few more plastics from Warlord Games and this time its US Airborne troops. There are one or two bits that I'm not keen on from the kit but overall they have painted up a treat. So I decided to go for the full box at one go, all 30 of them, normally I work in batches of 10 figures but I decided to up the stakes on this one. Two squads are equipped with BARs and the third squad is lugging along an MG, well prone firing to be more accurate.

First Squad, the mohawk haircuts add to the overall appeal of these guys.
Second squad 
Third squad  

I added a few bits of sticks and tigs to the bases, it gives a slightly different look to the basing. 

The MG team

The full 3 squads 

So apart from the small niggles with the set they still painted up rather nicely, the US forces are still on the paint table in the form of normal infantry so the forces will grow shortly. 

So thanks for looking, stay turned and the US infantry will follow shortly and possibly a couple of bits of transport 
Thanks again
Cheers for now Russ