Saturday, 30 January 2021

Special Forces part2

                                    Military assistance command Vietnam SOG! 

Part 2, finally got the next batch finished! These guys once again are absolutely stunning little figures, Empress Miniatures really are raising the bar higher and higher! I had never really looked into these guys until I ordered these. The SEALs I have researched before and knew bits and pieces about them but these guys completely stayed under my radar until now. 

I've always had an interest in Vietnam, movies are as always part of that but hey whats wrong with being inspired by a film! Sometimes thats all thats needed to spark an interest or even an obsession. Also watching the series "Tour of duty" certainly brought it to the forefront of my mind. So on to the guys, lovely clean little sculpts, bursting with character! Paul Hicks and Empress Miniatures have hit the spot with these guys. The range goes from strength to strength and the monster grows. 

                           The team 

 The point guy. Dressed in captured uniform and equipment, and armed with the enemies weapon of choice. Much better chance of survival, blend in and stay alive. 

 Second guy in, suppressed weapon and a look of steel on his face. The sten gun gives him the ability to fire from a prone position without presenting a bigger target then needed.

 Third guy in carrying what I can only say is my favourite weapon of the set of figures. Of course he sports a moustache that wouldn't look out of place in the movies.

 Fourth guy in, one of the locals recruited and doing his best to blend in. Quite a few of these guys proved to be invaluable. 

 Fifth guy in the patrol, team leader once again made up of the local population, sporting Tigerstripe and carrying US kit. 

 Sixth guy, the rear guard. Another local in US service despite his mixed dress and US equipment. 

 The full team, pushing deep into enemy territory. These guys capture the look perfectly in my book, they definalty took the fight to the enemy and unfortunately paid the highest price for their bravery and commitment. 

You can probably guess with me its all about the figures! History as always been a passion of mine but figures are even a bigger passion. 

So thanks for looking, keep looking and I will keep posting. Feel free to comment and I will post again real soon.

Cheers for now Russ 


Sunday, 24 January 2021

Special forces part1

I've wrote before that I tried to build a Vietnam collection many many years, Platoon 20 figures were my choice back then. They captured my image of Vietnam so vividly! So imagine my horror just to find out I couldn't paint 20mm figures to save my life! Vietnam was shelved in my mind and fell off my radar for what I believed was eternity! 

Fast forward almost 4 decades, when I came across the start of a range of USMC in 28mm from Empress mimiatures. Now it took a while for me to finally bite the bullet, but after visiting Partizan at Newark acouple of years back I saw the figures in the flesh so to speak. That was it I was hooked, now move forwards and despite other projects grabbing some of my hobby time I can honestly say I'm blown away by the progress the range is making. So when the Special forces figures were released I couldn't help my self! I ordered myself a few choice bits from Empress Miniatures on Monday of last week and they arrived Friday dinnertime! I will be honest I've been super excited about the new additions, and luckily for me the wait was only four days, still too long but hey the wait is half the fun! So I keep getting told. 

     Seal team 1


Special forces have always appealed to me, the fact that these guys wore LEVI blue jeans, carried in some cases unorthodox weapons and took the fight to places the enemy didn't expect to find it. The chance of diverting off the uniform path is always welcome as far as I'm concerned. Tigerstripe camo, ERDL it all just adds to the attraction. 

 I really can't say how perfect the image of NAM is captured with these guys! Between Paul Hicks sculpting and Empress miniatures this is perfection in miniature in my humble opinion. I'm no expert and wouldn't class my self as an expert in any period or era but I'm well smiten with the entire range. 

Left to right 
First guy up radio operator ERDL and Blue jeans (popping smoke)
Next up stoner dude! Plus law and shotgun, tigerstripe beret
Lastly Hush puppy guy! Ak47 in tigerstripe trousers

Left to right
M60 with heli ammo box, almost a mini gun 
Classic tigerstripe camo, pistol ready tape wrapped around the M16 for cam effect
Leader of men, Blue jeans and what I think is a cut down bloopgun or shotgun in his belt 

Now I've probably got something wrong but its all good enough for me and my humble little collection. 

I reckon I set a new record with these guys from delivery Friday to on the tabletop on Sunday! I will be honest once I started painting I found it very difficult to stop! May I add I have a very understanding wife! Thankfully she understands a big kid and his toys and the excitement a parcel brings to him. 

Well thats about it for now, there are more to come as time permits and a second squad of new additions from Empress Miniatures. 

So thanks for looking feel free to comment or just enjoy the eye candy 
Cheers for now Russ 


Friday, 8 January 2021

The enemy breaks cover somewhere in Vietnam from

 Well another post already, so I'm on a roll 2021 may be a good year after all

More Empress goodness in the form of the enemy! These guys are again fantastic little figures what I can only describe as the vietnam range I have always dreamed of. 

So on to the figures 

I've never been one for painting every figure exactly the same! I figure even in real life with wear and tear and the effects the elements would have on kit, and in some forces completely uniformed uniforms. 

 I have finished up a few bits and pieces of scenery from a big bag of plastic aquatic plants that I picked up a while back. 

 I reckon they turned out ok and sit well with the figures! Its a bit of a slow burner of a project but I'm getting there. 

Well thats about it for now, its good to get a few bits and pieces finished, especially when a lot of them have sat around half done or almost finished for longer then I would like to remember.

So thats about it for another post, take care and stay safe 
    All the very best cheers Russ