Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Marine Mortar Team

My next batch of figures for Vietnam are ready to go, it's more figures to reinforce my Marine force. Once again Empress Miniatures have hit the nail on the head with these guys, the pack contains two mortar crews. One firing and one on the move, I'm no expert on Vietnam but that's not stopping me. The figures are very nicely done, the crew moving is a nice addition one which I'm not sure many other manufacturers make. I could be wrong but it's not something I've seen. As always very little in way of prep required, the mortar us in two pieces, the front legs are separate and the mortar barrel and plate are a one piece casting with the figure holding it steady. Lovely piece of sculpting and the fit of the pieces is spot on. 

(picture curtesy of Empress Miniatures website)

The two crew moving the mortar look perfect posing from the photos I've seen, I imagine lugging this thing around was no fun especially in the heat and with all the other gear these guys carried. There are some really nice pieces of detailing gone into these guys I've already mentioned but the amount of gear these guys adorned their helmets with is a real eye opener. Toys, cigarette packs, gun oil, bug repellant, playing cards, tooth brushes and thats before we even get into the graffiti written on the helmet covers. The graffiti extended to flak jackets which I will admit I may of got carried away with but hey these guys probably had hours of boredom to fill! 

First up, team USA! It didn't stand out enough in just plain black so Red, White and Blue seemed appropriate. Maybe not the most realistic but a few images I found did include a bit of colour. 

The eyeballs on the helmet and a very basic flag on the flak jacket, once again fun to paint and a chance to add a bit more character. 

I've looked at other ranges but Empress seems to have ticked all the boxes for me. I'm no gamer and haven't been for a lot of years now, but painting and collecting is just as much fun if not more for me. I really can't fault this range so far! The collaboration between Paul Hicks and Empress Miniatures is a perfect match in my eyes. I'm hoping there will be more to come from them, I know what I like and these guys are definitely it. 

I keep saying I will finally get around to painting my ARVN but I'm still steadily working my way through my Marines. The VC/PAVN are slightly outnumbered which is something I will be rectifying in the near future! Well that about rounds up this post, thanks for taking the time to read my humble or just looking at the pictures. My blog will never set the hobby world ablaze but that's not what it's all about! So keep looking and I will keep posting. 
  Cheers Russ

Sunday, 3 September 2023


 I've completed the next round of recruits, every army suffers casualties so there's got to be a medic or two to help patch the guys up and get them back into action. Once again it's Empress Miniatures and the beautiful sculpting that can only be at the hands of Paul Hicks. The guy is a legend and Empress miniatures is co-conspirator in trying to either get me divorced or make me bankrupt! Either way I'm not quite sure they realise what they have started! 

  So on to the figures, the pack contains 5 cracking little figures, all figures are cleaning cast and very little clean up was needed. The medics are certainly getting put through their paces, the first one is a double casting of a medic helping support a wounded figure walking. I'm always amazed how great these guys look even before a lick of paint, the single medic is wearing glasses and certainly looks the part.

The next figures are two separate pieces but they join up perfectly. I like the research which Mr Hicks as done and its always to come across the same images as the ones he has taken his inspiration from. The medic is a fantastic little sculpt but so is the poor guy who needs his expertise, they really do make for a stunning little piece

As you can tell I'm certainly a fan of this range and there are more to come, more then anything it's finding the time to get stuff done.

Unfortunately my painting skills are lacking in certain areas, but I have tried to add some helmet graffiti. Some of the helmets were works of art in their own rights, peace symbols, blood types and even names and symbols where added on the flak jackets. How anyone manages painting these things in smaller scales then 25mm is beyond me. 

So as always thanks for looking, please feel free to comment or just enjoy looking at the pictures, either way keep looking and I will keep posting. 
Cheers for now Russ