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Saturday, 28 March 2015

The 26th Coloured Infantry

I have completed my next federal regiment, the 26th coloured infantry. I didn't want to do the 54th straight away, so I decided to do my second choice first so I would have the drive to complete "GLORY" at a later date.
 Unfortunately the light today is terrible, its overcast and raining so I did the best I could! so forgive me if the pics are not the best.
 I found two versions of the flag, one with a plain blue side and another version with the same design on both sides, so I decided on the version with plain blue on the reserve. I just think it looked more correct so no real historical fact swayed me.
 I don't think I did any real conversions on these fellas except maybe a blanket roll or two, and possibly the drummer boy may have being a head swap, but I first attempted them many years ago and I have retouched some and repainted some completely. so I really cant remember clearly enough to be certain. So thanks for looking as my blog hopefully continues to offer an enough of a draw for people to keep coming back and checking out my humble blog.


  1. These are brilliant, the ACW is not really a war I have much knowledge of, but these pieces look brilliant!

  2. Thanks Alex, I know your work certainly inspires me! you really do pick some cool projects to tempt me with.

  3. Thanks Jeppan, I forgot how much i enjoyed painting my ACW stuff. I still have lots more I would like to do , i just dont seem to have enough time!

  4. Great job, a very nice looking unit!

  5. Thanks Phil, Dixon minis can be an acquired taste but once painted they do look the biz!!

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