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Sunday, 1 November 2015

Desert Rats 2nd squad

My second squad of Perry Miniatures plastic desert rats are finally finished!
 the squad of SAS are taking a little bit longer to complete but I'm hoping all the time and effort will be worth it. The desert war never really appealed to me but with such cracking little figures like these its no wonder I caved in. 
 They remind me of the old Airfix figures, I'm not quite sure why maybe its just rose tinged childhood memories. Airfix still have a lot to answer for even after all these years! Do they really know what they started all those years ago! 

So thanks for reading and hopefully I should be posting more sooner rather than later
 Cheers for now Russ


  1. Thanks Michal, they are easy to paint especially with the minimum amount of kit!

  2. Nicely done, great paintjob and dynamic poses...

  3. Thanks Phil, I am a true fan of the perry plastics! The choice of poses in a box gives them more variety than some other manufacturers. The slightly more slender dimensions means you can't mix and match them as easily with other ranges but its not a real issue in MHO.

  4. That`s The Style! Great Looking end Result. Well Done Russ. BB

  5. Thanks BB they painted up a treat! I'm a self confessed plastics fan. Especially with some of the fantastic kits that are now available.
