Saturday, 5 December 2015

Warlord Games Panthers

My Panthers are well on the way to being finished! Its being my first bash on using my Airbrush, a prezzie from my better half bless her. I'm happy with the results for my first attempt, I still have a long way to go but its a start
 I have also made a second attempt at camouflage netting, which I can happily say is better than my first attempt! Hopefully with a bit more tweaking I will have it nailed and be in a position to do a tutorial! 
 I still have a bit of damage, muck and dirt to add, the tracks need finishing off and I have a commander to paint. 
 For easy to build kits they paint up pretty neat and look the part, they arn't quite in Tamiyas league but not having too many parts to put together is a God send in the time stakes, and it means less parts to break off with my clumsy hands. The Panzer iv is still under construction but its also a cracking kit and hopefully it should make an appearance before the new year! 
 So thanks for looking 
                                  Cheers for now Russ


  1. Look great! ! One of my favourite "cold deamon" ;)

    1. Thanks Michal, the Panther is a classic! It may have to be the Tiger next.

  2. Looking good especially the netting!

    1. Thanks Francis, the netting may need a little something just to finish it off, but it looks heaps better than my first attempt!

  3. Excellent work Russ! The camo scheme and the netting looks great!

    1. Rodger, thanks for the compliment! The airbrush worked out OK, but I think I have still got a long way to go to get it spot on.

  4. Ace Cool Painting Project Russ, and "Top Notch Work!"
    No matter where one starts to paint model tanks,there will always be another type to paint. By the way,"Splendid Blog." BB

  5. Thanks BB, the blogg is slowly coming along. I am a bit of a technophobe at times! I have held off on finishing the panthers so I can complete my hanomags and the panzer iv all at the same time hopefully they should all match up nicely! Well thats the plan!
