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Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Perry Miniatures French Dragoons

So more plastics to post! I love Napoleonics and have done ever since I had hundreds of them when I was a kid. I struggle painting them massively, I'm not sure why but I do! So I am rather proud of finally finishing up my 2nd French Dragoons, I botched the green abit, but other than that I'm more than happy.
 They are not 100% accurate, I normally mess something up so no change there! I did spot after I had taken the photos I had missed the brass trim off the one of the figures helmet peak. No prizes for getting it right! OK its the guy  with the flag! 
   The dismounted figures are still waiting to be painted but I've made a start which I'm happy with, and hopefully I can keep up the momentum and crack a few more out before I grind to a halt again!
So thanks for looking 
 Cheers for now Russ


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, its always nice getting feedback from people who's work you admire, so from you it is very welcome. Thanks again for the kind words

  2. Superb brush work Perry French Dragoons and lovely flocking of bases too - well done Sir!

    1. Thanks Phil, they are cracking little figures! Its just a shame I struggle with Napoleonic stuff. I plan to try and rectify that after seeing how nice these look all based and ready to go.

  3. Great looking unit Russ! Love the basing too.

  4. Thanks Rodger, I have another box ready to go but I think its only fair to get my British counterparts done first! Well that's my plan. There is always a chance I will get distracted with something else! The to do pile is pretty big I'm afraid

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Francis they do look rather good all lined up ready to charge! I think the dismounted versions may have to under go a bit of plastic surgery to get a bit more variety from them.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you for the kind words and welcome to an ageing technophobes blog! I am getting slightly more tech savy! All be it slowly

  7. Top notch dragoons Russ..."Chargez!"

    1. Phil thank you also, they do look rather splendid now they are fully based, and raring to go! I just hope their British counter parts look as good once they are finished. My test piece is about half way there so he may make an appearance real soon.
