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Wednesday, 2 March 2016

ACW latest additions

I have finished up and based my latest addition to my Union forces, I have a passion for the American Civil War and have had for over three decades! I started out with Airfix and Esci soft plastic figures, I converted hundreds of them. I gave the whole collection to my brother who promptly sold it all for a tenner at a bring and buy! I was gutted! Then I discovered Dixon Miniatures new line of figures for the ACW, I bought a few and became hooked and I have collected them ever since. Now that's a lot of years and a lot of hours spent painting, my collection has undergone one major refurb which as seen most of my collection repainted and rebased. New additions have slowed down I must admit! but I'm hoping to remedy that going worward. So drum roll please
 My Union forces were mainly cavalry based, and after adding 5 infantry Regiments early last year I decided to add another regiment of Dismounted Cavalry. 
 The lighting wasn't the best but we did have some snow this morning so while the weak sun made its appearance I did my best to grab the opportunity.
 There are a couple of conversions thrown in for good measure, bugler being one, and a slightly more advanced conversion. The top half of one and the bottom half of another, he is first left in the second picture. 
 So thanks for looking, thanks for reading my endless ramblings and 
Catch you all soon cheers Russ 


  1. These figures look really nice and great brush work by you Sir - well done!


    1. Thanks Phil, I now have the rebel counterparts to complete.

  2. I do like Dixons for their faces, nice work Russ!

    1. Thanks Francis, Dixon minis seem to be love them or hate them! After collecting several hundred of them I'm guessing its obvious which camp I belong to.

  3. Great work Russ.Very nice additions to the army!

    1. Thanks Roger, I have a few more ideas to try and get done. Its just finding the time to get them done.

  4. Very glad i caught up with what you`ve been doing Russ,Great Looking Stuff Buddy. BB

    1. Thanks BB, I do flit from one project to another! The smallest spark can bring back a long forgotten project, so my posts varie quite a lot

  5. Cool, very nice job Russ!

    1. Thanks Phil, sorry I missed yours and BBs post. I'm guessing blogger had issues with the comment alerts
