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Friday, 25 March 2016

Perry miniatures Light Dragoons

I'm having a good spell of finishing up projects at the moment and here's the next lot. The "Queens own" 16th
 They are more cracking plastics from Perry Miniatures, I'm no expert on Napoleonics but they look good to me! The box gives you enough parts to build 14 figures in total and gives you the option to build them in a variety of ways. The early years appeal more to me but it looks like if you order more horse spruces from perry miniatures you have enough left over parts to build the later uniform troopers from the box. So you get double the amount of troopers so if you don't stick the figures to the horses you could swap them over, and field them as early and late regiments. 
 I have had a few issues with posting/moving photos today so I will have to try and take a few more tomorrow if time allows. 
So thanks for looking 
Cheers for now Russ 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Francis your words humble me, but the Perry Twins should take 95% credit for them! I can't fault them at all.

  2. Beautiful job on these Light Dragoons Russ!

    1. Thanks Phil, there is something more appealing about the earlier years uniforms.

  3. Fantastic paintwork Russ! Really like the bases too.

    1. Rodger thanks for the kind words, they are lovely little figures. I always think basing can make all the difference.

  4. The Perry Brothers certainly are proliffic,and always ever advancing with tons of new stuff by far out class the stale smaller scales.
    Yes i Believe that i Like These. A Lot! Terrific Painting Russ. BB

    1. Thanks BB, the Perry Twins have certainly made a big impact on the plastics scene! I think myself we are in a golden age of plastics.

  5. Just remembered that i have a few boxes of these.
    if i recall rightly is this the set that requires more horses in order to mount the extra troopers?
    O` Well i`ll take a look see later today. BB

    1. BB I think I'm going to have to order some more horses if I can't find another use for the spare figures! I would hate to see them go to waste!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray, I have quite few boxes of unpainted plastic Napoleonic to get through! More to follow soon.
