Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Dismounted Confederate Cavalry part2

More Rebs have made their way into my collection, surprise surprise! me painting more Rebs. I have added a few more conversions, as always I couldn't help myself. I think once you've got a few conversions under your belt it becomes addictive. So here they are in all their glory.
They do seem to tie together nicely despite the varied uniforms, from red shirts, waistcoats to almost full uniform. 
 I have always enjoyed painting Dixon Miniatures, and I kind of think it shows! I don't think I've really found any figures yet that I don't like, and I do own quite a few. 
 Here's one of the conversions, the guy at the left hand side started off as part of the Alamo range, easy weapon swap and a bit of greenstuff finished him off nicely. 
 Next two conversions, left hand side again red shirt and weapon swap from a carbine to a shotgun. Right hand side red shirt again, he started off from the plains wars range. Ammo pouch sculpted on the back of his belt and a head swap to finish him off.
 and finally a shot of both lots of dismounted cavalry together. I also managed to finish the scratch built house in the back ground! I'm on a roll for finishing up stuff so hopefully it will be my British Napoleonic dragoons next.

So keep looking and I will keep posting
Cheers for now Russ 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Francis, there is more ACW stuff on its way!

  2. Love the diversity of the uniforms, great job!

    1. Thanks Phil, that's one of the things I like about painting Rebs, you have a little bit of freedom when it comes to painting them.

  3. Excellent stuff Russ! Really like the conversions and Rebs are always a winner for me!

    1. Thanks Roger, I love converting figures even if converting metal figures is a bit of a art form compared to plastics! but I'm kind of hooked!

  4. Great Painting Style on all these Russ. Splendid model soldiers. One can well imagine that Rebel Yell!_____i am quite ignorant upon what model figures are available,but it would look good to see a few fellows holding the horses. BB

    1. Thanks Paul, ACW is a true passion of mine! I don't know where my collection will end! As for the horse holders I have two rebs ready to be painted I'm just short of the horse's at present but I do have a mounted union version almost ready to go! and yes believe it or believe not! Its a conversion!

    2. Conversion means you have the only one! BB

    3. Conversion means you have the only one! BB

    4. Very true BB I never thought of that way!
