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Sunday, 8 May 2016

Chaos Horsemen

I've being a bit unwell lately, nothing serious but it was enough to effect my painting and my hobby time in general. So now I'm starting to feel better I have cracked on and finished up my Chaos Horsemen.
 They have painted up quite nicely, I tried to limit the colour palette and it seems to have had the desired effect. The figures are a real tight fit to the horses, I always try and paint the riders and horses separately! So when I came to put the riders in place they removed some paint from the saddles. It wasn't a massive issue but it also meant once in place the riders didn't need glueing in place.
 The black on the horses hopefully still looks black enough, its always easy to highlight black and it end up looking grey! 
 I still have more chaos stuff to paint up, a chariot, some more knights, 10 in total and about 20 more marauders. I've always liked Games Workshop stuff, it always paints up nicely in my opinion, and although a bit expensive compared to other manufacturers I don't think I have ever being disappointed with any of their stuff I have built and painted. 
 So thanks for looking hopefully now I'm feeling better I may be able to get back to posting slightly more regularly, I have some more Dixon ACW on the paint table so they could be next!


  1. That's some cracking work Russ!

    1. Thanks Francis, even for a basic paint scheme they look pretty nifty.

  2. They look to me Russ. I always have that same issue with highlighting black. It ends up looking gray in pictures... but from the tabletop it gives the right effect in my opinion.

    1. Thanks Rod, I think black is one of the easiest colours to over do.

  3. They look fantastic Russ!


    1. Thanks Peter, sometimes it the most basic of colour choices that end up giving the best results.

  4. Highly imposing muscle bound figures,and bulky black horses well fit and in their prime need impressive painting.
    i think you nailed it Russ. i Like e`m all.
    Forgive my ignorance,do they all have to be black stallions? BB

    1. Thanks BB, I think the black stallions where more of test than a choice! I do think black makes them look that bit more menacing.

  5. Excellent work Russ, thanks for sharing! :D And get well soon! Cheers!

    1. Thanks RMacedo,both for the compliment and the get well wishes.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Rodger, my next posting should be some more ACW cavalry. I couldn't resist adding some more southern cavalry!
