Sunday, 12 June 2016

The 1st Virginia Cavalry

It's being a while since I last posted, well it certainly feels like it. So this time it's something for my own collection! I've added some more Rebel Cavalry, and who else could I add other than the 1st Virginia Cavalry.
 Lighting here today is terrible but I'm hoping that the photos are up to scratch, it would be a shame not to do justice to these lovely little sculpts. They are excellent little figures and they have painted up nicely as always with Dixon miniatures. 
 I'm hoping the black as turned out okay, I've used two different greys to highlight between the facings on the uniform and all the black equipment. I have done a little bit of work on these figures, nothing major! The officer is simply a trooper with his carbine removed, the standard bearer just needed a gauntlet on the had holding the flag. I could of just painted it without adding it but it just bugged me and if your going to do it, then do it right. The bugler was also a trooper with a arm swap for a Perry's plastic bugle arm, and the gauntlet added with greenstuff. 
 So that's about it, I always enjoy painting Dixon ACW miniatures. I think it kind of shows with the amount I have in my still growing collection. 
 What's next, well knowing me it could be absolutely anything from Space Marines to more ACW. 
So catch you all soon
Cheers for now Russ 


  1. They look great Russ. Cavalry always seems to take me a while to paint. Those Dixon figures sure have a lot of character.

    1. Thanks Rod, horses, I either love them or hate them! Call it in the zone but when I am they flow beautifully! Out of the zone forget I struggle like crazy.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Fran, after looking at your 15mm stuff I feel humbled by your kind words.

  3. Splendid looking miniatures! Well painted and good looking bases!

    1. Thanks Jeppan, once again it's always nice to hear from people who's work I admire

  4. Stunning cavalry Russ! Up with the South!

    1. Thanks Rodger, a man after my own heart! A man with a slight southern bias!

  5. Wonderfull painted cavalry Russ!


    1. Peter thank you also, you can't beat the sight of Cavalry all ready to ride to death or glory!

  6. Hi Russ working thru your blog, some nice painting especially like the American Civil war stuff.
    cheers John

    1. Thanks John, I'm slowly getting there with my blog! It took a long time for me to take the plunge but I'm glad I did. I will paint anything that takes my fancy but the ACW is a long running passion, which I'm guessing shows sightly!
