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Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Blitzkrieg Germans

I have added some Blitzkrieg Germans to my slightly stalled Bolt Action collection. They are nice figures and I must say I enjoyed painting them more than I expected! So here is my first 10 man squad
 I still need to add a few grass tufts to the bases but other than that they are ready to roll. 
 I am a bit of a plastics fan and the more sets I get the more bits and pieces I can add to my bits box. The warlord games sets do mix and match nicely, although in the past I have raided victrix Napoleonic parts to add more variety to the poses u you can achieve straight from the box. 
 I do seem to have more projects then I have time for! But that's nothing new with me. 
 So as always thanks for looking and I will post again soon! Well that's the plan!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, they are fantastic figures to paint and with them being multi part plastic figures the variety of poses you can make up is a real bonus.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Phil, I picked up a metal command blister a while back! They are probably now finally going to see a lick of paint.

  3. They are awesome Russ, well done!

    1. Cheers Rodger, they are the first figures I've painted for Bolt Action for quite awhile but I'm getting the taste for them again.

  4. Good work on the eyes Russ,i like the rest of each one too.
    Splendid looking troops.BB

  5. Thanks BB, I've tried not to paint eyes on minis but I keep drifting back to them! It sometimes takes a couple of attempts but I would like to think I get there in the end😀

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