Sunday, 18 September 2016

Another Biker

This time I decided my new Biker was going to have his "old lady" with him. I finished the Biker 2 or 3weeks ago but his old lady didn't look right! so I ended up changing a few bits. So here they are
 They are really nice models, pretty much like all the project Z stuff available. You can mix and match the parts from the kits and end up with some unique figures. 
 The pillion passengers really add to the models, I don't plan on adding to many but it gives you more options and they are a nice touch 

 It was tempting to build a figure that resembles Arnie from Terminator but I decided to give it a miss! Well for now at least.
 So my Biker gang is slowly starting to grow, I still need to paint up the leader and his old lady which are in the middle of the build process. 
So thanks for looking and catch you all soon 
   Cheers for now Russ 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, they are cracking figures and I reckon they certainly look the part.

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  3. Wow they came out terrific. You painted them as well as the studio team.

    I regret making all my starter box minis into prospects.

    1. Thanks Baconfat, they are really nice figures. I've still more to come and of course the gang leader and his old lady. They are not quite Sons of anarchy but I'm more than happy with them.

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