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Saturday, 28 January 2017

Support your local small business

OK, this is not my usual kind of post! Normally it's all about the figures, models and terrain. So this is definitely a departure from my usual thing, I'm old fashioned and like having a local hobby store. I'm not keen on buying from the internet, I have no problem popping into a shop and putting my money into the till of a local small business. So I'm going to post about my local hobby store.

R A Models
 Scunthorpe isn't a tourist destination and never will be, but hidden away on a high street five minutes from my home is this little gem! R A models, Ashby high street, Scunthorpe. Now where to start Games Workshop, Airfix, humbrol,paints, brushes and lots and lots of diecast models. 
So on to the man himself
just to confuse things he is also called Russ. Don't judge him by his lack of smile! He doesn't like to have his picture taken and I'm pretty much the same. I've said it before I'm old fashioned and I like to know whos getting my money and putting it into a local small family business ticks all the boxes in my book. So a quick look around the shop, and if you don't see it ask about if it can be ordered in. 
 Games Workshop goodies, and a  good selection of paint.
 Humbrol paints and Army Painter.
 Plastic kits from Airfix to star wars. 
 Diecast goodies 
 and bits for the kids. 

I like the presence of a local hobby shop, OK Scunthorpe's only a small town and shops are standing empty so it's more important than ever to give these businesses our support! They can't compete with bigger stores and they can't compete with the Internet but they still play an important part of local communities. So one last look in the window 

 He occasionally gets some really nicely painted stuff for sale in the window.  So if you ever find yourself in Scunthorpe drop on by, it's not a specialist shop but its a hobby shop that's well worth a visit. I'm not the best with words but thanks for looking 
Cheers for now Russ 

Check out his website under the things I like.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal I think we all kind of take shops for granted, well until their not there.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Fran, I'm old fashioned I'm afraid! I like to see hobby shops on our high streets! There are way to few hobby shops left.

  3. Replies
    1. I would be lost without a local hobby shop 😀

  4. Replies
    1. Shops are disappearing way to quickly from high streets and town centres. We either support them or loose them.

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