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Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Viking Saga Warband

I wasn't sure I would get these guys finished today but I've managed it.  Even I'm not sure how I managed it! I'm normally not that well organised but I proved myself wrong.

The figures are mainly Gripping Beast plastics apart from a few slight conversions from Warlord Games Celts plastics.

 I've got to start with the warlord, straightforward figure from the Viking hirdman box set. I'm still not 100% about his shield but it's just finding a design worthy of a son of Odin. 

 The full warband in all its Viking glory! Berserkers, hirdman and levy  it's almost all there. 

 Hirdman/hearthguard, I could of doubled up on these guys but I wanted berserkers to add that bit more variety.

 Berserkers made from Warlord Games Celts, easy to do and how could I not have some in my humble little warband. 

 The shield's are all painted by me, I could of cheated and picked up some decals for them but I wasn't organised enough to pick some up! That and my wife says I'm to tight to buy any. 

So thanks for taking the time to read my humble blog, 
Thanks for looking 
       Cheers for now Russ

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