Monday, 2 April 2018

A trip down memory lane

I strayed into old territory with my more recent works! Airfix, Italeri and Revell kits. I had more fun then I expected revisiting some of these old kits. Although I'm pretty sure the wespes were matchbox when I first built one. Still it's being almost forty years since I last built some of these kits. 
    So on to the models
 From left to right, pakwagon from hasagawa, two Stugs from Airfix, two wespes from Revell/matchbox and an armoured car from Italeri! It's given me a chance to add bits and pieces to each kit and make them more individual. 
 A lot of the crates are made from scrap ends of balsa wood and bits and pieces of plastic card. The tarps are made of tissue paper soaked in PVA and rolled or folded up. There are of course accessories from both PSC and various other manufacturers that I've horded over the years. 

 I've a few more models to add before I've finished, three PSC half-tracks, an Airfix Tiger and a marder. It wasn't really my intention to get into 20mm WW2 but I've enjoyed this walk back down memory lane so it may not end here.

So thanks for looking 
Cheers for now Russ 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, it's much appreciated 👍

  2. Very realistic painting! I'm not experienced
    in vehicles but you done great job!

    1. Thank you kindly, despite the smaller scale they didn't turn out to bad. It was more a case of knowing when to stop rather than overdoing it.

  3. Wonderful work there Russ!

    1. Thanks Rodger, I'm attempting 28mm vehicles next as well as a couple more 172nd vehicles ��
