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Wednesday, 29 August 2018

The Cowboys

I painted a commission a few months back for Dead Mans Hand, the Tong and the Other Seven. Lovely figures and I enjoyed painting something a bit different! Well for me anyway. So after attending the Other Partizan I picked up some more figures for Dead Mans Hand,  The Cowboys, the Outlaws, and the Cavalry all appealed so I picked them up. The Cowboys appealed the most so I started painting them first, it's only taken a week or so to get these done so I'm pretty pleased with the turn around time.

I don't game anymore, or should I say it's being a long long time since I last gamed. I enjoy painting and collecting and to be honest I don't really miss gaming. That's not to say I won't get back into gaming at some point in the future. So on to the figures, the box contains seven nicely sculpted figures and seven MDF bases.
 Its being mentioned before but I'm pretty sure some of the figures are definitely based on film characters, maybe it's just me watching to many westerns. 
 Its very rare when it comes to figures like these that I don't go with my own colour schemes, I love having a bit of freedom when it comes to painting non uniformed types.
All in all I'm pretty happy with the results, I think the group sits well together and also as individual figures. 
 I got asked if I pay as much attention to painting the whole figures, or just the fronts! Hopefully this gives the answer. 

So thanks for looking, feel free to comment and i will post again soon 
Cheers for now Russ 


  1. Excellent work Russ!


    1. Thanks Peter the next batch are almost ready to move onto the paint table 😊

  2. That's some fancy brushwork, partner!

    1. Thank you, I'm finishing up my Black scorpion Earps and then onto the Outlaws 😊

  3. Great brushwork. Would have been funny if you had a figure just painted on the front side to display. 8)
