Sunday, 6 October 2019

Good afternoon Vietnam

 This doesn't happen often very enough but I'm on my second posting today! I have spoke briefly about wanting to add Vietnam to my collection since I was much much younger! and now thanks to Empress Miniatures i  now can! My usual casual approach to a new project is jump in with both feet and buy shed loads of stuff straight away. Due to limited finances this is a project which will grow slowly, I've almost finished up my first two squads of Marines so I ordered my first NVA today. I must admit I also added the character pack from Full Metal Jacket to the order. So on to the figures, lovely clean looking figures and crisp detail

To me they look the part perfectly, I'm no expert but I know what I like and these guys look great. I like to vary the colours within reason but hopefully not enough to spoil the cohesive look. 

The figures are beautifully sculpted by Paul Hicks, he is a very talented man! So far I haven't found a figure in the range I dont like,  I'm hoping going forward the range continues to grow and go from strength to strength! I'm hoping for Australian forces at some point but I'm happy with the Marines for now. 

So thanks for looking, I'm half way there on my next 10 man squad so fingers crossed it wont be to long before they make an appearance. 

Thanks for looking 
    Cheers for now Russ 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you my friend it's much appreciated 👍

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray, they paint up a treat even when I'm slapping the paint on.

  3. Nice sculpts and great painting, what's not to like? Awesome!

    1. Thanks Phil, I've given in and ordered some NVA. I planned only painting up US forces but I cant resist the NVA figures. 😊

  4. They look great - It's not a period I game, but these look fantastic. I just wish Mr Hicks would find some time to sculpt a BEF range.

    1. Thanks Doug, it's very welcome. I'm sure I seen some figures that would double up for BEF but i could be wrong.
