Sunday, 26 April 2020

Bolt Action Btitish armour

I have over the years swapped and changed what I paint and collect more times then maybe I should,  but I'm very butterfly minded I'm afraid and sometimes the smallest spark could start a major new project! My main interest is the ACW although to be honest I have neglected it of late, so a few years back I indulged in a side project. Nothing big nothing fancy but a few bits and pieces for WW2 from Warlord Games. Now several years later and the so called side project snowballed into something I didn't expect. My British collection is mainly "The Red Devils" with a smattering of Commandos thrown in for good measure and some bits of armour.

I have a few  more bits beside my tanks but I figured I would show off my tanks for a change. I originally started off with a few kits from Hobyboss and Tamiya but I slowly started to collect the proper BA vehicles from Warlord Games.

The Armour from Warlord Games

 I figured Sherman's were a good starting point and I must admit once I started adding all the extra details what started off as a easy build Wargames tank soon became something better. 

 I also decided to add a Cromwell for good measure,  to start with they really didn't look very inspiring but with a bit of time and extra detailing its amazing how much of a difference it can make. 

 I've always fancied having a churchill tank so I may end up adding even more to a very small so called side project of a collection.

Thanks for looking feel free to comment and catch you all again soon 
  Cheers for jow Russ 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you my friend, the lockdown is giving me a chance to have a good sortout 👍

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Rodger, I'm hoping to post a bit more regularly. Well that's the plan! Best laid plans and all that 😄
