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Saturday, 16 October 2021


 I've had abit of time off, but I'm slowly getting back into things. It's been a rough year and I'm not afraid to say it broke me. Things are getting better and I can't think of a better way to come back then with some dark age goodness.


I've always liked the idea of a Viking force, and last Christmas I got the very real beginnings of a full on Warband. These guys are truly a mix of Warlord Games with a few Dixon and the odd Gripping Beast figures thrown in for good measure.


Where better to start then with these guys! Bristling with muscle and brute force, these guys definitely aren't knocking unless it's knocking the door down. 

The core troops of the sons of Odin.
They are a mix of Dixon (shield wall figures) and of course Warlord Games. Despite my original concerns these guys sit side by side without looking out of place.

Dixon Miniatures 
All Dixon these guys, 3 beserkers and 3 Shield wall figures

The force moves forward, spot the Gripping Beast figure loitering at the back! The gleaming bald head gives him away, if I remember correctly he was a freebie when I bought 3 boxes of the plastic Saxons and Vikings.

The leaders
These guys look the part, proper looking Vikings from Warlord Games.

The sneaky little Gripping Beast figure with balding head muscles in, he ain't bothered by the Warlord Games guys outnumbering him.

More Colin Patterson sculpts, if I'm wrong please feel free to berate and set me straight. 

The latest recruits just waiting to give their lifes in the fight against Christians! Or pretty much anyone who stands in their way.  I say latest recruits but even these guys were painted quite a while back.

Well that about rounds up my first post for quite a while, hopefully life will settle and my passion for posting will continue for a short while if nothing else. 

Thanks for reading, feel free to comment and catch up with more goodies soon.
Cheers for now Russ 

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