Sunday, 17 October 2021

Wargames Atlantic Irish

 I didn't post any pictures of these guys when I painted them, they now have a New home and hopefully my good friend will not mind me posting these Pictures. Wargames Atlantic are a company that is truly going from strength to strength, plastics still have a slight stigma but anyone who's read my blog will know I'm a true fan. That could have something to do with the fact that I love cutting up figures and converting them, and plastic makes this so very very easy. 

The Irish

When I first saw these guys I decided to pick up a box first chance I got, so on a trip to the coast I dropped into Mighty Lancer Games in Bridlington. First class shop and first class service, I've used the mail order a few and can honestly say I've never had a single issue with them. So back to the Irish! Plenty of parts and plenty of choice, and plenty of left over bits for the bits box. 

        The Horde all together 

The cloaks proved to be fun to paint even if they were a tad challenging, I do enjoy painting dark age that includes the shields. I maybe a glutton for punishment but adding that last part of freehand work makes a perfect end to painting the figures. 

The cloaks maybe a tad simplified but I reckon for the scale it doesn't detract from the end result.

16 spears, 8 swords, 1 chieftain with a bannerman and of course how could I do Irish without adding the dogs. 

No warband is complete with the rank and file ready to die for fight for their leader.

The chieftan and his most trusted men

Once again I'm incredibly bad at taking photos but hopefully they give you a good idea of how they turned out. 

Well thats another post, so thanks for looking 
    Cheers for now Russ 


  1. Wonderful cloaks, congrats!

  2. Thanks Phil it's much appreciated, they turned better then expected.
