Sunday, 2 July 2023

Fresh round of recruits

 More troops for my growing collection.

I've managed to add a few more bits and pieces to my slowly growing collection, more goodies from Empress miniatures. Once again they are cracking little figures, I can't say I've seen any figures in the range that I don't like. What started once again as a side project as grown wings and looks like developing into something major! I love researching the uniforms and it's amazing how varied the uniforms seemed to be. I'm no expert so I'm bound to get some thing wrong, OK maybe a lot things but hey who's counting. 

So on to the figures, this time they are more NVA. I've swapped a few heads with the coolie hats from the range, they look more VC in appearance so black and dark blue colours crept in. I cant say I'm looking to build a balanced force, painting and collecting leaves the door open for just painting and adding pretty much what I like the look of. This guy screams Vietnam, trudging along on his cart! No cares no worries! Well not until he gets stopped by the local VC. 

Let's hope he's not carrying anything he shouldn't be. 

There's no better feeling then adding a fresh batch of figures to a collection, especially when it means your balancing out the forces. This time I've included the first of the two command packs I picked up, the other pack includes the radio operator and such but the bugler and Commander just cried out to be painted so then it was just adding a RPG, machine gun and a few foot soldiers. 

My collection of scenery is also growing so hopefully the pictures are becoming more appealing then just plain boring photos. I'm hopefully going to finish another squad of these guys and a little bit of heavy support, then I will see about adding a few more US figures and possibly a APC or two. The Australian contingent is still very much still on the agenda, but I need to finish up the few I've started converting to be special forces reinforcements. 

Fingers crossed the next round of additions will arrive sooner rather than later, time is something I never seem to have enough of. So thanks for looking and feel free to comment.
  All the very best cheers Russ 

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