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Sunday, 3 September 2023


 I've completed the next round of recruits, every army suffers casualties so there's got to be a medic or two to help patch the guys up and get them back into action. Once again it's Empress Miniatures and the beautiful sculpting that can only be at the hands of Paul Hicks. The guy is a legend and Empress miniatures is co-conspirator in trying to either get me divorced or make me bankrupt! Either way I'm not quite sure they realise what they have started! 

  So on to the figures, the pack contains 5 cracking little figures, all figures are cleaning cast and very little clean up was needed. The medics are certainly getting put through their paces, the first one is a double casting of a medic helping support a wounded figure walking. I'm always amazed how great these guys look even before a lick of paint, the single medic is wearing glasses and certainly looks the part.

The next figures are two separate pieces but they join up perfectly. I like the research which Mr Hicks as done and its always to come across the same images as the ones he has taken his inspiration from. The medic is a fantastic little sculpt but so is the poor guy who needs his expertise, they really do make for a stunning little piece

As you can tell I'm certainly a fan of this range and there are more to come, more then anything it's finding the time to get stuff done.

Unfortunately my painting skills are lacking in certain areas, but I have tried to add some helmet graffiti. Some of the helmets were works of art in their own rights, peace symbols, blood types and even names and symbols where added on the flak jackets. How anyone manages painting these things in smaller scales then 25mm is beyond me. 

So as always thanks for looking, please feel free to comment or just enjoy looking at the pictures, either way keep looking and I will keep posting. 
Cheers for now Russ 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray its much appreciated, these figures really are addictive to paint.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Dave, every visit and every comment is very warmly welcomed.
