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Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Incoming NAM!

 I've not updated my blog in a while so I have quite a few figures to share, I'm really enjoying myself with these figures it's mainly getting the time. Life does so get in the way at times! Real life that is. So my NAM collection is still growing and I really can't see that changing anytime soon. So on to the figures 

                                                            I AM THE LAW

Apologies if you were expecting a Judge but it's not that kind of law 

This guys come in various stages of carrying and firing so pretty much cover all the poses you need. As always nice clean castings and super detail just waiting to be painted. Once again Paul Hicks as done a beautiful job on these guys. I'm no expert on uniforms and equipment but these guys look spot on.

The helmet graffiti is fun to do although my rendition of Mickey Mouse looks a tad evil, but afterall he is in a war zone. Its crazy to think Vietnam was raging on when I was born, its a conflict that has always resinated with me. All wars are terrible and some even pointless but Vietnam seems one of the most brutal and pointless I can think of, although WW1 comes under the same heading in my book.


These two guys need no real introduce, classic characters from a classic film. These guys never got to Nam but all the same it would be unfair not to add them to my collection. Once again I can't fault the figures, private Pyles warface is there to see in all its glory. Gny looks to be barking orders or his he still on private Pyles case, either way Pyle looks ready to let the lead fly. 

Once again the figures are clean little castings, very little clean up required. The figures only need the bipod for the M60/pig glueing on so the prep is minimal. The detail is fantastic even down to the studs on the water bottle case. There doesn't seem to be any detail on these guys that's been fudged, I know I sound biased but this range just ticks all the boxes. I've probably mentioned it before but I always wanted a Vietnam collection, platoon 20 was my first attempt very very many years ago. I couldnt paint 20mm so the project never got of the ground, then along came Empress Miniatures! The rest is history! 



These guys from left to right Lt Col. Cheatham, Dale Dye, Gny Sgt Frank Thomas, Captain Christmas.

This time real life Vietnam characters, Dale Dye is probably one of the most famous of these four. Carrying his camera and spare film cannisters tapped to the strap, this guy looks like what he is a true soldier a true marine. His service record and his film career are truly impressively.

Once again Paul Hicks as captured these guys perfectly, all one piece castings, mold lines are minimal and they were soon ready for paint. Lt Col Cheatham was a large built guy and it shows, he looks every bit a leader. Dale Dye looks every bit a soldier a true warrior. Gny Sgt Frank Thomas is carrying the Stars and Stripes inside his flak jacket and last but not least Captain Christmas. 

Well that brings another post to a close, hopefully if nothing else the figures speak for themselves. I'm hoping to get more figures added soon although life isn't in a cooperative mood on that one. 

So has always thanks for looking, feel free to comment and catch up with you all soon.
   Cheers for now Russ 

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