Wednesday, 10 April 2024

Latest additions for NAM

 It’s took a while to get some more recruits completed but here they are, I decided to make scenic bases. I also decided to add a few bases with multiple figures which is something I've not really approached before. Hopefully they will add a bit more variety to my collection. 

                                                     The three bases in all their glory 


I'm hoping they have the appearance of just about to engage the enemy.  The figures mix nicely on the bases, the range of figures from Empress Miniatures gives the options of everything from M16s, M60s, Laws, bloop guns, radio operators, command figures, medics with causalities, the range is enough to field a good mix of troops and support weapons. 

The bare metal from Empress Miniatures 
                                                                           NAM 6
NAM 15

As always the figures are superb, very little clean up required, the fact you can get different packs of figures armed with M16s with a mix of figures that are prone, kneeling, advancing, firing you also get options with the M60s and other weapon options. 

The radio operator is a small conversion, I added short sleeves rather then bare arms that the figure comes with.  

The branches are literally just picked up from the garden and hopefully look the part. I've still the aerials to add to the radios but other then that they are finished. So my collection is growing and there are so much more to add, the Ontos is finally taking shape so hopefully it will join the guys sooner rather then later. 

So thanks for looking, figures crossed it will be sooner rather then later when I get to add the next lot of figures.

So thanks for looking 
            Cheers for now Russ


  1. Great stuff,and Gosh! Very well painted and presented. BB

  2. Thanks BB, it's kind of you to comment and thank you for the visit. It's very much appreciated 👍
