Sunday 21 July 2024

Dixon Miniatures Confederates

                                     More goodies from my ACW collection

My collection spans quite a few years, I would show my age if I admit I started collecting these guys when they first came out. I still think they look as good today as the day they first arrived on the market. 

Over the years I have converted and messed with figures to the point that I honestly can't remember all the conversions I've done. I started off with little bits like blanket rolls and ended doing major surgery and hacking figures into pieces. 

                      Maryland Guard Zouaves

It made a change painting a Confederate regiment in blue but these guys turned out rather nicely. Blue and Red do look good together and hopefully it shows with these guys. 

Dixon miniatures offer quite a bit of variety in poses and I've always been a fan of mixing the poses within a unit. 

Texas troops 

These guys were painted more to represent a generic regiment, the black facings seem more commen in the later years and I reckon they look so much better then sky blue but that's just my opinion. 

Once again they are a mix of poses which I think makes the regiment look much more life like. It's strange to think I've spent more then half my life collecting and painting these guys. 

These guys have brought me so much pleasure over the years, and hopefully sharing the pictures will pass some of the pleasure on.

So thanks for looking and hopefully I will post again sooner rather then later.
    Cheers for now Russ


  1. Excellent fellows, I bought two armies recently from Dixon, awaiting sorting and painting!

  2. Thanks Benjamin, I do like Dixon miniatures. I'm not sure how many I've painted over the years but after awhile they seem to almost paint themselves. Good luck with yours I'm sure they will turn out wonderfully.
