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Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Saxon saga warband

The snow is falling and I'm tucked up lovely and warm indoors, despite the winter snap of snow I've finished up my SAGA 4point warband.
every warband needs a leader and here is mine. Some conversion work was undertaken and the larger base size gave me a chance to do something a bit different. 
 so on to the warband itself, they are a mix of gripping beast plastic Dark age warriors and plastic Saxons 
 Gripping beast makes some cracking plastic figures and I'd almost forgot how good they look and how nice they build up. I'm also impressed with the way the heads are attached. 
 The shields are all hand painted which have turned out better then I expected. Making then look a little bit battered certainly adds more character. 

The Warlord and hearthguard ready to take on all comers. 

Not forgetting the warriors 

 These guys are done and dusted and on to my next project! The vikings, and here's a sneak peak 3 berserker conversions
 As always guys thanks for looking, feel free to comment.
 cheers for now 


  1. THey look determined and superb, wonderful group Russ!

    1. Thanks Phil, I've really enjoyed painting these guys and I'm looking forward to getting my Vikings underway 😀

  2. Great looking warriors Russ! High painting level my friend!

    1. Thanks Michal, your kind words are very very welcome! It's always a pleasure to hear from you 😀

  3. Stunning work on these guys Russ!

    1. Thanks Rodger, they are cracking figures and paint up a treat.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you its much appreciated. They are really nice figures and a pleasure to paint.
