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Friday, 12 October 2018

Bolt Action Soviet Naval Brigade

I'm back to WW2 with Warlord Games Soviet Naval Infantry/brigade. I picked these guys up a while back but my WW2 stuff stalled and I got side tracked. My butterfly mind does drift from project to project so I suppose it was only a matter of time before WW2 drifted back onto the agenda.

Now I love plastic figures but with me wanting to add something different to my collection it had to be metal! Warlord Games do make some cracking figures and to be honest when I opened the box I didn't really feel inspired. To be honest this does happen quite often with me! Not sure why but normally once the paint starts to flow any such feelings fade away.

 I did intend to swap a few heads for heads with helmets but I didn't get around to it! Once I started painting I got carried away. It doesn't mean that in the future I won't revisit and rectify this.

 The set gives a mix of the typical sailor outfits, the heavier coats and lighter shirts and peakless sailor caps. A nice mix as far as I'm concerned, I've always liked the idea of sailors fighting land battles due to what ever reasons. The Soviet navy got used fighting on land and being put in fights that realistically they couldn't win. 

 They are based for city fighting, I think it adds that extra dimension to the basing! It gives me a chance to do something different to the normal grass and tuft basing. 

 The set even includes a figure in a quilted jacket which I think is a nice touch! I'm no expert on WW2 so I've probably made a few mistakes but I'm happy with the overall look of these guys. I used to have a really good site saved that covered Soviet uniforms but I've lost it out of my favourites and despite looking and looking I can't find it! So that's the best excuse I can offer if ive messed up badly. 
 Well that's my take on Soviet Naval Infantry, so thanks for looking feel free to comment and catch you all soon

Thanks again cheers 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jonathan, I'm doing well at painting at the moment so there should more postings coming soon!
