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Saturday, 27 October 2018

Next batch of Red Devils

Next batch of Warlord Games Red Devils based and ready to, I've added a few support weapons to give these guys a bit more punch. The bulk of the troops are going to be plastic, although I've still got a few metal models to go. I decided to start on the plastics sooner than I planned but I've yet to get any finished! They will have to wait for another day.

So on to the figures, I'm enjoying my painting more than ever at the moment and hopefully it will long continue. My butterfly mind could at any moment drift off on to a new project but for now it's still the Red Devils

 The addition of a Vickers, 2inch mortar, flamethrower and a bren gun should help keep the enemy at bay. 

 Bren gun team. 

 2inch mortar.

 Vickers Machine gun.

 flamethrower bringing up the rear. 

 plenty of Berets included.

 A few pics of the Vickers crew. 


So there we have it, my slowly growing collection of Red Devils! Hopefully I will post some photos of my next batch soon. 

So thanks for looking 
Cheers for now Russ 


  1. Very nicely done Russ, they look great!

    1. Thanks Phil, I've still got a heavy mortar and artillery piece to add 😊

  2. immer wieder ein genuss diese bemalten figuren von dir

    1. Thank you, I think I'm certainly keeping the standard higher then I used to.

  3. Such superb brushwork, Russ! Your work on the camo is so fine.

    1. Thank you Jonathan, it's definitely nice to paint camouflage that isn't German! 😊

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you my friend it's always good to hear from you 😊

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Fran, hopefully I will get them all finished before my butterfly mind drifts off. 😁

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
