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Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Fresh Soviet troops arrive

I'm cracking on with my Soviets and here are the latest additions I've managed to muster. I decided to add a bit more detail to the bases! Hopefully it worked but I will leave it up to you guys to decide.

I enjoy building plastic figures, the scope to build figures that are unique as always appealed. Swap and change bits from other kits and mix and match. I get a chance to mess about and chop bits up.

So on to the figures

 the figures are again from both kits the winter box set and normal Soviet infantry set. 

 the bases are built up of odds and ends of plastic card, plastic strip and anything else I have hanging around. 

 the bandaged hand on the figure firing at the front was due to a slight error on my behalf, I mixed gloved hands and bare hands by accident! The mittens tucked in his belt kind of threw things out a bit. I could of just painted the figures in but the bandage idea got me round it. 

 Hopefully the bit extra effort with the bases show up.

 so there you go all done dusted and ready to join there Soviet brothers and sisters. 

So thanks for looking and i will catch you all again soon 
Thanks for looking 
  Cheers for now Russ 


  1. Thanks Ray, I'm still plugging away and adding more. I've roughly 50 or so already painted and more to come.
