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Saturday, 23 February 2019

German Armour from Warlord Games

Two days two posts, I'm definitely on a roll. This time I've finished up some German armour, it's taken a while to finish up the very last few bits but I got there in the end.

I started these months ago but like some projects they stalled in favour of other things! On saying that I've still a commander figure to paint for the Panzer 111 but apart from that I'm calling them done.


 Every tank needs a commander so I decided to add a bit more detail! Helmet close at hand just incase, map, compass and binoculars just to add that bit more detail and interest. 

 I don't like side armour on tanks so I decided to add some logs instead,  they turned out pretty good to be honest although I must admit I did a trial run on a couple of the old airfix kits just to see if it would work. 

 The stowage is a mix of homemade crates and rolls and of course bits from the warlord games stowage set and the Tamiya 1/48th set. Add them all together and I think it works quite well. 

 the open crate on the back is simply thin plastic card with spare bits thrown in. All the traps and sheeting is made from tissue paper soaked in PVA and rolled up or stuck down. 

Hopefully I haven't overdone it but I couldn't resist adding that bit more detail. I'm not saying the kits needed it but I enjoy adding bits to me it's all part of the hobby I love. 


I picked up the zug box set but only managed to get one built! Which promptly got sold. So now I've finally finished the other two! 

 I decided to be boring and add more stowage but I did decide to build two different versions! Short and long barrelled versions to describe them more easily! 

 sorry but the phone was short on battery so I didn't get as many photos of these as I did the stuGs. 

So that's about it, I'm attending Hammerhead for the tabletop sale! In an attempt to thin out my collection, make some muched needed room and win some brownie points with my lovely wife. It will also give me an excuse to buy something new to paint. 

So keep looking and I will keep posting!
 Thanks again, cheers for now Russ 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray it's much appreciated, they waited long enough to be finished 😊

  2. Great work on the camo, love the extras!

    1. Thanks Fran, I was worried I'd over done it! OTT sprang to mind

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you my friend it's always good to hear 👍
