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Sunday, 12 May 2019

Soviet MG team

It's being a busy few weeks and real life as took over much more than I expected, but I've finished up a small piece for my BA collection. Once again they are plastic figures from Warlord Games in Winter kit. It's taken a good few weeks to complete, its basically being grab a few minutes here and there but I got there in the end.

 I decided to add a bit more extra detail to the base then I normally would, the upturned table Is plastic card and rod. The woodgrain is etched into the plastics surface, there was a time I would use balsa wood but plastic card holds the detail better and is a lot more robust. Ok balsa is easier to cut but other than that plastic wins hands down everytime. 

 The bricks are made from old vinyl floor tiles, scored and snapped to size. This gives the rough edges which I think is perfect for bricks in this scale. I've added bits and pieces of kit from both the Soviet sets and the German boxes. 

 The oil drum is from Tamiya but other then that all the parts that aren't scratchbuilt are ftom Warlord Gsmes. The rubble strewn bases help portray city fighting, which was both brutal and up close and personal. The entrenching tool is quite an effective weapon when it comes to hand to hand fighting so it only seemed appropriate to have one close to hand should the enemy get close enough. 

 A few grass tufts to help finish the base off and it's done. I'm still plugging away on another ACW unit which hopefully will be finished slightly quicker then this piece, although I'm not making any promises.

 So thanks for looking, I appreciate every visit to my humble! Feel free to comment and catch you soon with hopefully a new addition to my ACW collection.

 Thanks again 
                Cheers for now Russ 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Fran, I have a few more ideas it's just getting the time to give them a go.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you my friend it's good to hear 👍👍
