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Sunday, 9 June 2019

US Marines

I'm back to adding more additions to my ACW collection! This time its more Union forces and it's the turn of the Marines. Just for a change I've gone for Dixon miniatures, yes I know that's the bulk of my collection apart from a few conversions but hey they do paint up super nice. Sorry back to these guys they fought at Bull Run, and how dashing they must of looked in fancy white pants. I'm always reminded of Napoleonic French when I look at these guys, maybe it's the white belts and trousers with a blue jacket.

 These guys painted up a treat and with only a couple of small alterations with greenstuff they were pretty plain sailing.

 The officer as got to be one of my favourite figures from Dixon Miniatures. The bow tie, the map the stance of the figure it all ticks the boxes. The shoulder bars are greenstuff, and the bottom of the standard bearers trousers. I almost forgot about the sergeant stripes they are greenstuff also. 

 The pose almost screams US Marines but maybe that's just me. A single flag is all they carried so I'm more than happy not having to paint two. 

 So I now need to add another Confederate unit just to even things out! 

So thanks for looking, feel free to comment and I will post again real soon!
Well hopefully!
 Cheers  for now Russ 


  1. Superb work on these pumpkin-headed Dixon marines!

    1. Thanks Jonathan, they do have lots of character 🙂

  2. They are very slick looking Russ!

    1. Thanks Fran it's much appreciated, I'm running out of room but my collection is still growing.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you my friend its always good to hear 👍👍👍
