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Sunday, 23 June 2019

Clearing the decks

I'm fast running out of room and I plan on adding more units to my ACW collection, so I need to have a clear out! I only paint and collect now adays so I only have a couple of collections I won't part with! Everything else is fair game!

WW2 Soviets

I have 4 x ten man squads, one is Soviet naval brigade (metal figures) all the others are plastic.

                                                           Squad one Soviet naval brigade

                                                              Squad two

Squad three

Squad four

I'm asking £60 for the naval brigade and £50 each for the other 3 plastic 10 man squads. If anyone is interested in all 4 squads I will do all 4 for £180. 


I also have a couple of peninsula Napoleonic units, one British and one Portuguese.

The Portuguese 

The British

Both beautifully painted and based, both are Warlord Games plastic figures  with metal command figures. I'm asking £85 each or buy both £150. Im advertising them on The Miniatures Page so if interested contact me either here facebook or TMP, postage/collection can be discussed. I'm willing to accept money order or cheque. 

So thanks for looking 
cheers for now Russ


  1. Wooow! A lot of great looking minis!

  2. Thank you my friend, in some respects it's a shame to let them go but needs must.
