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Saturday, 6 May 2023

Vietnam the journey continues

 More fantastic figures from Empress miniatures Vietnam Range, more Australian SAS figures. I love painting these figures, Paul Hicks is a very talented individual. I can't fault his sculpting, the detail is just waiting to be brought to life. Which makes colouring them in a real pleasure and hopefully the results speak for themselves. These are the second set from Empress, that's 10 figures in total. Every single one packed with detail and character, what more could you want. 

 These guys had to be painted in ERDL after the first five were painted in my old favourite Tigerstripe. I've still a way to go but I reckon they pass muster, we'll at a distance anyway.

I reckon this guy almost passes for an Australian Rambo, I was tempted to paint the bandana bright red! I had to remind myself it's not 40k! 

I've always liked the look of the SLR, so what could be better then a grenade launcher slung under it. The mags they carried were much bigger then the standard mag. Necessity is the mother of invention, if it works use it. 

This guy is ready to rock and roll, the M16 seems to have appealed massively to the Australian forces, even if the stopping power of the SLR was a lot more brutal. 

A bit of slightly heavier firepower, this guy seems to be stooping under the weight. Or is he just keeping a low profile, or even negotiating heavy vegetation. 

Another SLR armed figure, I love the way he's crouched. You can see this guy nestled into cover just waiting to open up on the enemy.

The full 5 ready to hit the enemy where it hurts.

I need to get some more Victor Charlie done to face these guys, I've concentrated on the US and Australian forces so its only fair I even up the score. 

Well more additions to add to my collection, Empress Miniatures so far have hit the target with every single figure from the Vietnam Range. They seem to have captured the era perfectly for me. 

So thanks for looking all the very best cheers for now Russ 
  Keep looking and I will keep posting.


  1. Great looking figures and very well painted!

    1. Thanks Ray, they do paint up real nice.
