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Thursday, 1 June 2023

Back in the Nam!

 I've added some more Empress goodies to my Vietnam collection, I've favoured the American and Australian forces so its only right to add some balance to the collection. 

 These guys capture my image of the NVA perfectly, smaller in stature,not overly uniformed but never the less a formidable foe. I love the use of variety of uniforms and equipment, even if it's something as simple as a different shade of the same colour. Faded, washed out and in some cases heavily worn, I'm pretty sure it was all seen and used on the battlefields all over the world. I've plumped for 10 man squads, each squad carries a RPG, LMG and a variety of small arms. Originally I planned on not adding an RPG to every squad so I painted two up for this squad to help balance out the first squad I previously painted.

   Like most subjects I'm no expert, so I make a few mistakes and from time to time I get it wrong! The main thing is I'm enjoying the hobby and that's the main thing, so on to the figures.

The full squad, note the two RPGs to balance out my previous squad who is sadly lacking any anti tank/helicopter support. 

The mixed uniforms and equipment I think really adds to the look of almost any force but suits these guys down to the ground. 

 My scenery is lacking I'm afraid but that's another thing I need to address! I'm pretty sure the vill will grow slowly, I've invested in another Sarissa Precision building so it will need some country folk to inhabit it. 

Just to add some balance I've added some better pictures of my SAS figures, they are cracking little figures and I can see my collection growing to include the Aussies! The movie "Danger Close" as a lot to answer for. 

Once again the mixture of uniforms and kit adds that extra element! I would say its because I get bored easily but that's only half the story.

So thanks again for reading, it's the love of the figures that keeps me painting and hopefully it's what brings you here.

So keep looking and I will keep posting, please feel free to comment
All the very best 
     Cheers for now Russ 



  1. Thanks Ray the collection is growing steadily, there are more to come and hopefully some more scenery into the bargain.

  2. Just wandered in from Lead Adventure - very nice work Russ, the VC look very legit! Hope to see a battle.

    1. Thanks Akrim it's much appreciated and thanks for the visit. I only paint and collect now adays I'm afraid, I haven't gamed in a quite a few years.
