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Saturday, 30 December 2023

A New Squad

 I got a gift a few months back from a very good friend, seeing that he was happy me stripping the figures I decided to repaint them. I've never had a brilliant record stripping paint off figures but it literally fell off these guys. I'm not sure who makes these figures but they do have a style of there own, they are more chunkier figures then some but that's a bad thing. 

                  The Full Squad

The guy with the shotgun looks the business, and the full squad is pretty much covered weapon wise. Law, shotgun, sniper, grenade launcher and M60. 

That's another 10 man squad added, when I have time I will try and get the full collection together for a few photos. 

Short and sweet post, so keep reading and I will keep posting. 
 All the very best Russ


  1. Excellent painted figures Russ!
    And Happy new year!

    1. Thanks Peter it's much appreciated and all the very best for 2024. May your paint never dry up and your brushes never curl.
