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Friday, 5 January 2024

Vietnamese Civilians part2

Christmas and the New Year brought me a few days off, thankfully my wife is very understanding when it comes to my hobby. I love Christmas, it's probably because I've never grown up. The time was split between the usual Christmas festivities and hobby time. There are a lot of things I've got on the go but the next round of civilians made it to the front of the que. Despite the fact you can get both armed and unarmed versions of the same figure I didn't want them all dressed in black and looking very obvious so like the first batch I chose more civilian colours! If that's such a thing! 

                                                         The Raw recruits

The figures are again from Paul Hicks talented hands, I'm pretty sure this guy could sculpt absolutely anything. The style suits the figures down to the ground, I know the style of figures can be a personal thing but in my humble opinion they are the best Vietnam figures I've come across. 

So on to the figures there are two packs one armed one unarmed, they are nicely detailed. Very little clean up required which is always welcomed, the metal stands up well against knocks and drops. I wouldn't drop them on purpose but on the odd occasion its occurred they have proved no problem at straightening parts back into shape. 


There's no mistaking which is which one, the legs, body and head are the same it's mainly the positions of the arms. The weapons are a good mix and not just Ak's, some of the weapons have definitely seen service for quite a few years. Some are more odd then others but they sit nicely with the figures, the background of some the weapons may be questionable but I'm pretty sure a relic of a weapon is better then no weapon. Afterall they are the peoples army,  hit and run or self defence either way they look the part. They look the part to just blend back in and disappear 

The Finished figures

The old women in red snook into the last batch I painted but she had to appear again to show the full set. My plan is to mix up the colours as I go along, so hopefully once they are all finished up they look well like civilians. 
The turban on the left hand side of the photo threw me a tad, I know that all coolie hats would look wrong so it's a nice addition. Plus the lady in the Red top with her hat pushed back, I think its a nice touch it makes her look more engaged at spitting lead at potential foes. I'm not sure the Red star on the belt buckle works or not, it wasn't the easiest part to paint and my eyes are only getting older and less forgiving at times. 

I will finish up with a few photos just to round things off, so thanks for looking, feel free to comment and I will post again hopefully sooner rather then later. 
                      All the very best Cheers Russ

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