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Sunday, 25 February 2024

Dixon Confederates

 Thinning out the collection

My ACW collection is something I've worked on for I'm not quite sure how many years, I'm now starting to have to start thinning it out and making some room, storage is always an issues. The figures are all Dixon with what I can only describe as being a labour of love, many figures are converted but I did so many I can't remember which are conversions and which aren't. 

     The 43rd North Carolina (painted to represent)

These are one of the very first units I went back and brought up to the standard of the later additions in my collection. I know Dixon miniatures are not to everyone tastes but they brought the ACW to life for me.

The 8th regiment of the army of northern Virginia (painted to represent)

In some respects it's quite sad to part with any of my collection but needs must I'm afraid, I feel quite nostalgic to get the guys out and photograph them. I'm not sure how many happy hours I've had painting these guys but I enjoyed painting every single one. These guys will be going up for sale on the miniatures page shortly.

All the very best Cheers for now Russ 


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