I have finally finished up my GW chaos chariot, lovely little model except for a couple of small issues which I will cover as I go along.

I painted the horses to match the chaos horsemen "sorry BB black horses again I'm afraid" so hopefully the black still looks black enough and not dark grey. The horses only have one hoof each making contact with the base which made it difficult to set the horses in place for the harness. I pinned both horses to the base and then pinned the harness to the horses, it seems to have worked and the horses now seem fairly sturdy.

That was the first of the issues I came across, the second issue relates directly to this. The reins are plastic and for the life of me I couldn't get them to join up correctly, so I scrapped the plastic parts and decided to make my own!

so I used good old dental floss, a ring was glued into the drivers hand, the dental floss doubled up, threaded through the ring and then run through the guides and down to the horses mouths. The bit was bent wire to form a ring on each side of the horses heads, the dental floss then threaded through the rings and glued in place. It was easily done compared to trying to line up the moulded plastic reins, then try to run them through the guides and then try to attach the y shaped piece to the horses mouths!

It would be interesting to hear if anyone else has had the same issue with the reins, or was it just me!
So thanks for looking guys, hopefully my next post will be sooner rather than later.
Thanks again for looking cheers for now Russ